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Comprehensive Thoughts on Ao no Kiseki

Finished Ao a few days ago, and what an incredible experience it's been. Warning, this post is LOOOOOONNNGGGG.
Big thanks again to the fan translators and all other people who made playing this game possible.
Here are my old posts on Sky 3rd (so you know why I love Kevin and Ries so much lol) and Zero no Kiseki

First of all, that title screen before you press "start," really stood out to me, since the prior 4 games all had different scenic backgrounds/colors going on (well except 3rd, which was necessary to fit that particular game). Here it's just purely one color (azure), that gave me a rather somber feeling. Already was looking forward to seeing what would be in store:

Wow, what an opener. I thought it was a great way to both tie in Zero right from the beginning (like a refresher to players) by having to go after characters from last game, and also a breath of fresh air, since the mission isn't with the typical SSS.
What a badass lineup of party members with Arios and Dudley. I saw it as the perfect representation of the important organizations that ensue Crossbell's safety, with Arios as a bracer representative, Dudley for the regular CSPD, Lloyd as the SSS, and Noel as the CGF.
The ost perfectly set up the atmosphere of somber mystery, knowing what horrors occurred here, but also not knowing the exact details...I'm honestly really glad that Noel and Lloyd were split up from the other two midway, since using those two badasses made me feel like I was cheating lol.
Then when they finally got to Ernest and had to fight his demon form, what a Lloyd thing to do to try and save Ernest when he was screaming that he didn't want to die. Then HOLY CRAP IS THAT KEVIN?! What an amazing surprise and inclusion having him demonstrate his Gralsritter powers. Dudley telling Lloyd and Noel that they were a big help in his tsundere/kuudere way so Dudley.
I always love it when the protagonists of the story don't know the significance of people they're just meeting, but you the player know exactly what's up. Maybe I'm of the minority who really likes Ries (it seems like most players are just apathetic to her), but my interest was definitely piqued when he asked if she was gonna be okay on her own...(what is the church planning?!)

Lloyd and Noel get such a SSS greeting when they get back to Crossbell. Everyone is so in character, especially Wazy pushing Lloyd's buttons lol. Apparently his intel got them in touch with someone from Arteria, so hmmmm curious.... he was one of the characters I was most interested in following Zero (kinda in the same way I was super curious about Olivier's background throughout the Sky games).
Love that the prologue was short and sweet.

Chapter 1
First off, was actually really glad that Randy and Tio weren't around for the sole reason that it gave Noel and Wazy time to shine and settle in. I appreciate that both the Sky and Crossbell games don't just give you full access to every character right away (especially in the 2nd game, since at that point you've already met everyone), since otherwise it would be so easy to just shaft someone right from the start.
Chasing Lechter around was definitely a throwback to Sky 3rd moon door....but was surprised when he finally got straight down to business at the casino, answering all of Lloyd and Elie's questions and confirming his identity. The Shirley and Elie thing was completely unexpected. Everyone's reactions were so in character: all were flustered of course except for Wazy and Lechter (that letch haha). Poor poor Elie though...
Encountering big Jaeger corp dude for the first time was definitely intimidating, especially when seeing how he slaughtered those monsters after.

Then getting our own car! YES! It felt like the SSS had truly come so far from that time in Zero where Dudley drove away in his own private car, and they had none :( And for a PSP-era model, that car looks damn fine. Cool that it was made by ZCF too, wonder what Professor Russell and the rest have all been up to...
Also Noel doesn't really get a chance to shine as much compared to the others (actually all the SSS girls got kinda shafted character development wise in Ao compared to the guys :/), so I'm glad she at least got the opportunity to geek out over car models and such.
So at this point, I actually was already spoiled as to Wazy's identity as a Dominion (didn't know anything about his background though). It made that first meeting with Ries, with Wazy present, really interesting. It actually even threw me off a bit for a large portion of the game, since it made me believe that perhaps not all Dominions and their squires know all the others in their ranks....

I absolutely LOVED the 'truth behind the rainy day' ost. Super peaceful, ethereal, and yet somber all at once. Was perfect for Wazy's "final" encounter with Wald. Also was so interesting to see Wazy so fired up and serious for once in the entire time we've known him. I was surprised that he was actually thinking so far ahead, knowing that they all can't be delinquents forever, and has been subtly spurring the Testaments guys to move on the whole time...
That fight definitely showed how much Wazy was holding back against Wald. The latter didn't get a single hit in before he was down for the count. I also felt bad for Wald...knowing that he is one of those archetype guys where strength means everything, and people holding back is the biggest insult possible.

Heading to Mainz and stopping by the Doll factory on the way, holy crap, chilling first look at Campanella and some Ouroboros goon for the first time in the entire Crossbell arc. Then the actual Old Mine had a great ost for setting up the atmosphere; both mystery and urgency needing to find a way out. And wtf Wazy being able to sense the higher elements (like Kevin and Ries in Sky 3rd). I wonder if that's a requirement to joining the gralsritter, or if it's an ability that new squires can learn to develop..,,

Zeit's interference with that first cryptid makes so much sense in hindsight after his big reveal in the final chapter. Suspected that Shirley, big Jaeger guy may be related, if not connected to Randy in some way, but wow I wasn't expecting Randy's dad to have been the head of the Red Constellation. When Garcia name dropped the War God in Zero, I just thought he was some well-known part of that jaeger corp, not the top dog... and Randy has been expected to succeed his dog this whole time. Wow, wasn't expecting this.
Also was rather sad to hear that Randy's dad kicked the bucket, even if they weren't on the best terms...
...and geez of course LechteImperial government would have their hands in this mess as well...

And with that, SO HYPED FOR THE TRADE CONFERENCE! (since I'm a poli sci/international econ nerd for fun)

Chapter 2
TANGENT on some character interaction:
Okay, this is entirely unimportant, but I just really like the interactions among all the SSS members. I'm glad to know that the girls get along well. But to comment on Randy and Wazy's specifically right at the start of the chapter...
So, Lloyd is a really chill guy, and he gets along with everyone, but his demeanor and viewpoint is quite different from Randy. It's why I appreciate Wazy and Randy's interaction together. Of course Randy would tell Wazy about Cecil before Lloyd even mentions anything about her. And even if Randy comes across as exasperated over Wazy's cheekiness (and getting more attention from girls than him) throughout the game, I think they share a lot of similarities that they can appreciate the other's pov (more on that when discussing that scene in chapter 3).
Lloyd is a lot more considerate about how his words come across, especially towards his friends, while Wazy by nature is very blunt. So the fact that Lloyd kind of tries to tip toe around being considerate of Randy's circumstances, while also knowing that Red Constellation will become a big issue, Wazy just goes right for the jugular and says they're gonna have to track their movements/get involved. (Makes a lot of sense in hindsight why he's like this after his backstory reveal).

/Endtangent; BACK TO PLOT

So strange that Professor Seiland finds that there's no difference in the chemical makeup of the blue and red gnosis...
Then it's a bummer when SSS was just discussing dinner plans together only to find Shirley at the SSS building. Riding to that fancy-ass club with Shirley in that luxury car really demonstrated how lucrative a top jaeger corp can be..we traded mafia vs mafia from Zero to mafia vs. "mercenary mafia."

So many different groups of people/organizations with so many different interests converging in one melting pot of a place...it serves as a stark contrast to the much more homogeneous team braceLiberl vs. Ouroboros plot from Sky (not that that was bad in any way, Sky's story was masterfully executed). I really appreciate that both arcs have a lot of similar archetypes (especially regarding characters), yet at the same time do completely different things from the other.

The first glimpses of Prince Olivert, Mueller, Kloe and Julia were so hype! Nice touch with Kloe relying on R&A Research. Then when all the countries began to arrive by the mode of transport that they are known for (Liberl- airship, Erebonia- rail, etc.) and the ost that played during it....I can say I've never been more anxiously awaiting how political talks were gonna go in a game than during those cutscenes. Orchis Tower unveiling was just as majestic as was expected.
The "find my musician" sidequest was a great return to Olivier and Mueller antics. Hidden SQ about finding Lechter and Kilika let Elie have some time to shine, relaying why it's not out of the question for the two nations to be working together right now in order to reestablish a foothold in Crossbell after that whole cult-government scandal from Zero.
Good to see Trails trying to humanize some of its antagonists with the whole "finding the cat" quest with Shirley. Plus she gets her first look at "Yin."

I love how all the Trails protagonists try to hook each other up with those sweet connections, what with Estelle and Joshua letting all their royal friends in on the SSS's reliability. Everyone's shock that Olivier is the Prince from Erebonia haha.

Then YES THAT 8-BIT FATEFUL CONFRONTATION WHEN PLAYING POM AGAINST CAMPANELLA. The way Falcom utilizes remixes of beloved tracks for special moments will never cease to amaze me. And then Tio having to hack her way in to save my ass.

The hidden quest with Ries at the Moon Temple was a fun addition. The gralsritter don't mess around when it comes to playing their undercover roles spectacularly....(I'm looking at you Ries and Wazy after that final chapter reveal).

The negotiations/talks at the Trade Conference started off well, but I really started feeling that unease/dread when visiting with President Rocksmith and Chancellor Osborne respectively...then HOLY CRAP I NEVER WAS EXPECTING MILITARY AIRCRAFTS TO ARRIVE AND TRY TO HIJACK/BLOW UP THE ENTIRE BUILDING. The ost that played throughout this segment was AMAZING btw., especially cuz I recognized the melody as part of the ending credits from Zero. The CGF and CSPD getting locked out was a serious 'oh shit' moment.
Trails definitely exceeded my expectations with the whole Jaegers and Heiyue being brought in to put down the terrorist groups. I guess I was too vanilla in expecting the Jaegers and Heiyue to carry out the assassination attempts. Even if it can be claimed that they deserved it, I honestly felt bad for the Erebonian opposing faction after getting mercilessly slaughtered...especially for that lone survivor cuz he most likely is gonna be having survivor's guilt...I mean I guess it also shows how ruthless Erebonian mentality is anyway, since the Red Constellation was requested to completely execute the terrorists...
And then of course Randy having to deal with the people he tried to leave behind...damn, the Erebonian Chancellor and Republican President are just on a whole 'nother level of political savvy compared to the other Heads of States...having foresaw this and then using it completely to their advantage to further their criticisms of Crossbell's "failures." Offering their country's "assistance and protection" as a response..sad that it's all too real...
and finally that ending with Mayor Dieter announcing a referendum to gauge Crossbell citizens' thoughts on becoming a completely sovereign state...especially with the Great Powers still in the room *chills

While I'm not a fan of how bonding points/events work in these games as a whole, I really enjoyed this break chapter. Especially since save scumming is an option to see all the different events that happen here. Randy's suspicion over Wazy's swimsuit changing takes on a whole new meaning with the knowledge that the latter is a Dominion.
Loved how all the activities the different characters were participating in on the beach were completely in line with each individual's personality. Michelam was a lot of fun too. Certain hints towards some character''s backstories exist when taking them to particular places (i.e. Wazy or Rixia to the Fortune Teller's tent).

Glad to finally have a real look into Rixia's character at night. Of course Lloyd would be able to tell that Rixia's smiles are actually devoid of real happiness, and how it reminded him of how Cecil used to look like after Guy's passing...was nice to have some greater insight into both of them.
Perfect dramatic irony as Rixia was sharing about not having a personal reason for why she fulfills her duty and walks the path of her ancestors, since we know she's Yin, but Lloyd doesn't at this point yet.

When Lloyd wakes up from that dream, the perfect creepy ost starts playing (for some reason, this was the sleeper hit of the Ao ost for me)...and encountering Campanella of all people with those FOG MONSTERS (confirmed a suspicion I had about that fortune teller who had her face completely concealed), no way it couldn't have been Luciola, not with that summoned fog.
And wtf Mariabell. You're looking pretty suspicious talking to KeA that way when you two are alone on the boat (without the voice acting, this scene would not have raised the same red flags)...

Chapter 3
So cryptids start showing up...and azure flowers just happen to be growing right where they spawn...of course Wazy would brush off remembering something like that in the Testaments as just something skimmed from way back in Sunday School.
Ahhh so the Apocrypha exists in Zemuria just as it does in our world. Makes sense that a cult of the main religion would get information from these deviant books (or perhaps they could have even written it themselves..?!) Thanks to Ries, we now know what Pleroma grass is...
Super cool that Meister Jorg was willing to talk with the SSS because of Renne. Interesting hearing more about the Society's plans from him. Then oh man that train derailment site...it was cool that there was a return of Ancient Pulsation (Ancient Battlefield ost) since it's kinda attributed to Joachim Gunter and the DG Cult in my mind now. I somehow totally forgot about the scene at the beginning of the chapter with a shadowed Wald, so was super surprised that the culprit happened to be a demonized Wald of all things. Was surprised at how truly hell-bent he was on getting back at Wazy.

Ao really just builds, and builds, AND BUILDS on the amount of crazy happening. Teaming up with Yin at the Marshlands where so many of those Azure flowers bloom was definitely unsettling. Then finding two Anguis and an Enforcer in the same place...even though I know Kiseki always goes for the positive outlook, I was still feeling worried for the group.
Poor Rixia, having her identity revealed just like that, so suddenly, in front of so many important people :/ Then more fan hits the ceiling news when they get a call on the way back about the Red Constellation completely vacating the warehouse...the way they easily annihilated the CGF troops was not looking good...

Dammit Randy, tricking Lloyd and the others that he was fine...considering what was seen in the Ao opening movie, I was kinda doubting that he really wasn't going to do anything, especially since he was so distraught after the Trade Conference slaughtering earlier.
Was a cool moment to have Wazy "confront" him outside, but at the same time allowing him to do as he pleases. This is why I think they really can understand each other's motivation, etc. on a personal level, even if they both don't entirely realize it and Randy doesn't exactly know Wazy's past. (Note that this is considering what I learned after Wazy's final bonding event) They both wanted to be free from their previous life, yet at the same time it comes back to haunt them. Randy's in a more direct way with the Red Constellation physically present and causing horrible things. While Wazy's is always with him on a more abstract level, since developing a stigma and hence, becoming a Dominion, entails that there is always a physical reminder of the mental trauma from such an event. Their overall demeanors are different, yet there are aspects of their personalities/tendencies that are similar- they both put on a cheerful front and are very secretive about their past (for good reason).
Was still kinda amazed that Wazy was concerned enough that he considered sending Abbas after Randy, but at the same time was fine letting him go off to do as he pleased, even if it ultimately ended up with Randy dead...interesting that he was so surprised that Lloyd and the others would go so out of the way to figure out where he went. In hindsight it says a lot about his past and how everyone from his village despised him after the whole "killing their god" thing...I don't think he expected people to go that out of the way for each other.

Coming out on the other end of those old mine tunnels and hearing the battlefield sounds was crazy. Thank Aidios they got to Randy in time. Seeing him in action was pretty amazing, but Lloyd and the others were even more so. With Lloyd directly confronting Shirley with just his tonfas.
Randy grabs Lloyd by the collar and criticizes him for leading his team into danger...but Amazing moment where Lloyd finally stops tiptoeing over consideration for Randy's situation and grabs him by the collar right back. That a leader has to guarantee the safety of all on his team. Then when Randy finally comes out with the truth of why he left his life as a Jaeger...this entire scene was a top-tier moment in a video game for me. A+ all around.
Then Randy tries to push the blame all on Wazy. Lol the lighthearted SSS banter returns.
But mood shift AGAIN WHEN FLAMES ARE SEEN COMING FROM CROSSBELL. truly Ao's wild ride....the mood whiplash is strong in this game.

Chapter 4
All the scenes during the Raid were INSANE. Bloody Shirley, Ilya, and Rixia at the Arc-en-Ciel. Poor Sully with having to live with knowing that Ilya was severely injured for pushing her out of the way...and poor Rixia knowing Shirley made such an appearance to force her to fight...and of course out of anyone, poor Ilya :(
CSPD under attack and Fran getting caught in that blast. Arios and Dudley giving it their all defending Orchis Tower. Also really sad to see demon Wald attacking Downtown. Especially after he wipes out his old gang members even after they were so worried about him over the last couple chapters. Cool seeing Abbas and Ashley bring out the big guns to defend Downtown though.
Sigmund directly confronting Cao in his very own Heiyue building. Especially considering how Cao didn't let anyone touch the top floor of the building during the Revache attacks in Zero. Everything really was going to shit. I didn't even come close with that timed fight. Then IBC becomes a huge ball of flames. I really was worried seeing that pretty much the center of banking for the entire continent, and the symbol of commerce was so thoroughly destroyed...thank goodness the data was backed up and recovered at Orchis Tower (still suspicious of what Mariabell could really be up to though).

I really liked how the somber ost of Downtown picks up again to the regular city theme after you finish all the recovery sidequests. Actually a lot of the sidequests during this time were really fun, heartwarming, and just what was needed after all the devastating losses. The appearance of that couple from Liberl who were only just engaged back in Sky SC was a great throwback.

Escorting Jona into the other Geofront division and encountering that pretty high-tech AI robot pointed towards the Society's advanced technology once again. Then the day ends with the results of the referendum in and MAYOR DIETER OFFICIALLY INSTATING CROSSBELL'S INDEPENDENCE.

And then my stomach just plummeted after that meeting with Lechter and Kilika stating how powerful of a military force both the Erebonians and Republic are sending into Crossbell due to authoritarian President Dieter's actions. Then Lechter confirming Lloyd's bad feeling that the Imperial government's contract with the jaegers ended all the way back to right after the conference...seems like a major conspiracy is about to be uncovered...Not only this but KeA was taken by Arios of all people?!

The Castle at Michelam was the first taste of that great ost that would later be the entire overworld map in the final chapter. Instills so much agency and drive. Then just to add on to that, one of my favorite tracks from the entire ost makes its first appearance as Mariabelle, KeA, and Arios' true roles are revealed. Pretty heartbreaking that KeA willingly goes along with it at first because the reality is without her, there was no way that Crossbell would have survived that pincer attack by the two nations.
The confirmation of the Society's hands in this when their faces first appeared in those "magic screens" was just the oh shit icing on the cake. Arios battle was tough, but not too bad with Lloyd evasion tank. I've been following the Nielsen hidden quests this whole time, so I wasn't too surprised when it was revealed Arios was working with the conspiracy. (and involvement with Guy's death) Lloyd definitely had that feel too though, since he was the one to ask Arios to confirm.
Those invasion cutscenes was one of the most memorable in my experience playing video games. A small country that has been subject to the whims of larger ones suddenly develops a "technology" that puts those who exploit them to shame. The fact that we get to know people from all participating countries to such a great extent, it's sad seeing the big guns brought out on all sides.

Was amazed that Noel was the one to apprehend the party. I was honestly hoping for more inner party conflict from this. Especially when Noel isn't wrong to feel outrage that the Empire willingly fired those rail cannons. They definitely shafted what could have been stronger development for Noel in the final chapter.

Fragment Chapter
Wow, first time seeing Lloyd giving up. Amazing cameo chapter for Garcia though. How an enemy was able to help the very person who put him in jail...giving Lloyd his drive back after recounting Guy's unwavering spirit. It's probably an insult to Garcia to see a person who relentlessly pursued Revache stuck in prison... I wrote in my Zero post that I appreciate the multi-faceted antagonists, and Trails succeeded with this minor one. Busting out with Inevitable struggle super arrange was A+ hype.

Zeit coming to save the day in his DIVINE FORM. That was something I actually wasn't expecting at all. The story of that Sept-terrion was really sad... With the whole taking on the follies of mankind, while still also having human emotion in order to understand man...the story definitely did what it needed and made me extra worried about KeA's future.

Wazy and Abbas' official reveal. Lloyd's reaction was as expected though haha. I probably would have felt the same way if I wasn't spoiled early. Olivier's reveal was one of the greatest things to come out of Sky for me, since I somehow overcame the need to look up stuff about the Sky cast while playing- Wazy's reveal felt similar to that setup/the Crossbell answer to that kind of character I guess. Was happily surprised to see Kevin and Ries pitching in to help the others get in to Crossbell.
Lloyd having to bring up that tough question about what the church will do about KeA...of course they would be worried about what is happening everywhere on the continent. Wazy was really sincere in his answer though.

Chapter 5 (Final)
Return of final dungeon's from Zero's ost, but super arrangement, during the infiltration mission with Kevin and Ries drawing the Aion's attention. So. many. hype. moments in this game damn.
THE MERKABAH. JUST WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED IN THE TRAILS GAMES. One of my favorite things about this game tbh. Really felt like we were on a top-secret mission. Was so cool having to overcome various "barriers" to reunite with all of our comrades while avoiding detection. It makes perfect sense that the antagonists would split their opposition's numbers up so they have the lowest possible chance to cause havoc.

Nice getting to visit all the other villages on the outskirts to hear how the Crossbell barrier and the azure flowers are affecting their lives. Heiyue cooperating with us for the time being and RIXIA OFFICIALLY JOINING! "Poor Cao" losing Yin though. Seeing some factions standing in opposition (i.e. Mireille's CGF squad) to President Dieter's rule was a nice touch of realism, not everyone's gonna just hop on board when a person essentially makes himself dictator. Meister Jorg preparing the Pater Mater... Loved the high stakes of the Michelam infiltration, fighting against all those Red Constellation jaegers. Elie's reunion has to be what it was since she's pushed as canon girl
Once again, I'll bring up the slight disappoint in Noel returning to the group so readily. From my understanding of Lloyd's fight with her, he proved that her resolve was wishy-washy since she's normally a stronger opponent...? It's a shame that more of her thoughts (though not much) regarding this was locked behind her final bonding event. Would have been nice to include it in the main plot since Noel's dilemma was so relevant to many in the State Guard as a whole (just following orders).

Amazing use of Crossbell's political framework, having Chairman MacDowell announcing the dissolution of the Independent State of Crossbell since it was instated through undemocratic methods. Throwing Dieter's words back at him...then the reaction of all the underground groups still within Crossbell city was so rewarding.

Campanella fight was really tedious. Perfectly encompassed the Enforcer's personality though. Unfathomed Force is such an incredible boss ost. Was able to "beat" Arianrhod, though there were some instances in that fight where it wasn't looking too good. Crazy that Elie was able to deduce that she's from the War of the Lions over 250 years ago...?! Or I have a feeling based on Arianrhod's response that she's "based" on that...? I expect more will be revealed in future games...

The first stage of the Crossbell Liberation was the moment that Ao surpassed Sky SC for me. So many incredible things, so many factions, both people we were familiar with from past games (Estelle, Joshua, Renne, Kevin, Ries), and the NPCS we grew to love from Crossbell. Everyone contributing in their own way to get the SSS in.
Pretty chilling having the ost from the Marshlands as the background for the city. Interesting scenes involving people who know "the lawyer" if you follow a guide... then finally Lechter and Kilika's intel proves invaluable again. Someone else is pulling the strings.
Second stage of the Liberation begins with Orchis Tower infiltration. Seeing Kilika and Lechter in action was crazy. Thanks for your sacrifice SSS car. Kevin's stigma then the Merkabah going down, wow. And then Pater Mater's sacrifice to save Renne (a true father and mother's sacrifice). When AI gives you feels, Nier Automata vibes man.

Mystic Core dungeon looked really cool, I'm always blown away by the dungeon music in Ao. EP drain was annoying at first, but max-Emblem master quartz is too op here lol. Finally meeting Shizuku again. It must be hard for her, since she can see again, but her friend sacrificed her "freedom" as part of the price, not to mention seeing her dad following his path so rigidly...touching moment to finally get Guy's tonfas, but this new evidence also brings into question if Arios really was Guy's murderer...I feel like I kinda "cheated," since even though the guide is "spoiler free," finding all those hidden events makes it so there's really only one other person who at least makes some sense...

Dieter and Colonel Richard similarities:
That final battle with Dieter was cathartic but also rather sad. Since he really did remind me of Colonel Richard. They both were willing to harm their own country men (arrests that were set up by the ID in Liberl; Raid of the city in Crossbell...the Cult sacrifices too...) in order to bring to light a power that could protect their country. They were both willing to install a new ruleleader, though Dieter installed himself instead of a proxy. Their love for their homeland was both genuine. Too bad that Dieter actually obtained the power he was seeking, and that absolute power corrupted absolutely. Richard on the other hand ultimately never reached that power he was seeking for Liberl.
And then of course, both were actually pawns in someone else's game. Mariabell is cold af. Just throwing aside her father like that. Lawyer Grimwood's reveal makes a lot of his involvement throughout the Crossbell arc. It's definitely easy to see how this seems completely out of left-field if the player wasn't able to find all those random hidden scenes and people to talk to. Definitely think the game itself could have made it easier to deduce this outcome in mandatory scenes, while still making it difficult enough that only the most observant players could put it together...

Final Dungeon
What an incredible final dungeon. It kinda felt like mashing all of P4/P5's dungeons/palaces into one massive place (since the mini-dungeons are based on the personality of the boss. Return of a stellar lineup of both dungeon and boss osts. Not to mention the track for the tree itself is hauntingly peaceful but also somber. Definitely reflects KeA's mind I guess.

Was gonna comment on the final character growth of Wazy, Rixia, and Randy, regarding their final bonding events and the boss fights, but will have to save that for another post... (sorry this has gotten so LONG).
That Firm Strength super arrange that plays in Arios dungeon...makes sense since the original track first plays when he shows up to save you in the GeoFront on the SSS's very first mission in Zero. And then the return of Get Over the Barrier ~Roaring Version. A lot of people say Inevitable Struggle is like the Silver Will of Crossbell. But I think this special version of Get Over the Barrier fits that title more. Total feels seeing how far Lloyd and the entire SSS has come.
Arios definitely was bogged down by his guilt over Guy, doubling down on the conspiracy that led to his friend's death. The Loewe equivalent in regards to that firm will, but still is able to stand completely on his own as his own character.

And finally, the truth of EVERYTHING. HOLY. CRAP. Never expected time reset to be a part of this mess. But it finally answers the question I had about that first scene in Zero. I thought Estelle and Joshua were left out as to not completely spoil right away that they would be in the game, but wow, this reveal is so much better. I'll admit, I'm a sucker for those time rewind stories (ala Higurashi and Umineko). Though it's interesting that there was seemingly no real "butterfly effect" asides from getting closer to the Brights and Renne....well I guess it makes sense since they say KeA can also influence the future...?
While it's understandable to want a power that can erase the pains of the past and prevent future tragedy, ultimately it's true that humans only grow through experiencing adversity.
Was a bit unbelievable seeing how quickly Lawyer Ian sided with the party again...I can only attribute it to perhaps he was the one to connect all those moving parts to each other (Ouroboros, jaegers, Arios, Crois clan), but ultimately it's still Mariabelle who's the de facto leader in charge of everything. Since she's just so driven and a natural manager, especially since she studied it. That's just a headcanon though...

I cheesed the fight with Mariabelle with ATS up food and Wazy's Reincarnation/Tio's Around Noah. It one-shot her cronies every time she summoned them. I ended that fight with 9999 exp and 999 of every sepith lol...
Still curious about KeA's power to influence people to like her. Is that deliberate on her part...? Or is it just something that was "programmed" into her as a homonculus...? Still don't entirely understand what's at play during that part, but I do understand it was brought up as to question whether she violated the SSS free will, and to also mentally traumatize her further to awaken the Azure Demiurgos.
People weren't joking around about how amazing Azure Arbitrator is. I definitely enjoy some symphonic metal (I'm probably considered light though, considering I mostly only listen to older Kamelot and Within Temptation tracks, some Rhapsody thrown in). Definitely had a feeling of finality to it.

Lloyd meeting with Guy again in that "Zero zone" ....man so proud of how far Lloyd has come. Reminded me of Estelle's scene with her mom in that dream world created by Luciola back in SC. Seemed believable to me that KeA would return to the SSS so readily after just a few choice words from Lloyd since she's still so young emotionally. Easily swayed by true feelings and such. That reunion with the entire SSS with KeA apologizing for worrying them all...she's such a sweetie.

Mariabelle actually doesn't bother me too much. Could another villain have been better? Probably, but ultimately I think she stays consistent with the person Falcom is trying to build after her true reveal back in chapter 4. It's just as Elie says about her being able to stand firm on her own in order to obtain what she wants. She willingly discarded her father, Lawyer Ian, KeA, Elie and the rest, when they no longer served a purpose to get what she wants. And think that's where an answer lies to her other infuriating traits...as of Ao, we're still not entirely sure what she actually WANTS now.
For all we know, Mariabelle was probably crafting these plans with the cult and Sept-terrion stuff her entire life. She obviously put that above everyone else in her life, which allows her to so easily leave her friendship with Elie behind.
Since she was unable to prevent KeA's powers from disappearing, there's nothing more that she can do regarding the Sept-terrion of Zero project. Elie says it herself that Mariabelle seeks what she wants without hesitation. I'll probably form a more complete opinion of Mariabelle when she appears in future games.

Relieved to see that political consequences weren't avoided compared to other games where such things are brushed aside. Of course the Empire would invade and annex them after everything that has happened.

Final thoughts:
Wow, Crossbell has been such an enjoyable ride. Even though the translation wasn't perfect, and especially lacking compared to the Sky games, I have been so touched by this cast's journey. My personal preference is definitely Crossbell, mostly due to the overall focus of the plot.
The political situation of this city-state is much more complex compared to the Sky games, and I am personally biased towards political intrigue in any given medium. Liberl's geographical location, monarchy, and relatively homogeneous society makes it much less susceptible to all the corruption that occurs in Crossbell. But don't get me wrong, I still love the Sky trilogy and cast.
Also all the battles of differing ideologies when it comes to war and protecting one's homeland were A+. Liberl had some great glimpses of this too, but such topics really shined more in Crossbell arc.
The Church is also my favorite/most intriguing organization out of the Trails games (yes, moreso than Ouroboros), so having all that good Gralsritter and Merkabah resources boosted these games for me. And Ao hit the sweet spot with just enough appearances of the previous arc's casts to really feel like one huge cohesive Trails game (prior to Cold Steel at least).

Ao has been one of the most enjoyable experiences I've ever had in gaming. Pacing was great- the plot just kept building and building; stakes kept getting higher; never really seemed to be a dull moment. Even the intermission chapter was much welcomed as a necessary break for the cast.
Definitely appreciated the more grounded themes/realistic world problems overall in Crossbell, what with political corruption and organized crime. Ouroboros' influence was very minor here, which was both a good and bad thing I guess. OST was AMAZING. Not just the battle themes but the ambient and dungeon tracks as well.
Still a bit sad that certain characters got shafted in character development in the main game (Elie, Tio, and Noel in a sense), while others needed final bonding event to get the context of their full character development when facing respective bosses in Azure tree. I can overlook that though since people are so kind to post all the final bonding scenes on youtube.
Great seeing the return of some Sky trilogy characters. Overall loved the main cast of SSS and all the other Crossbell NPCs from so many factions in this game. Sky had bracers, military, Ouroboros, and civilians for the most part, but Ao was insane with how many moving parts existed.

And thanks to all who have had their eyeballs bleed after reading this huge massive wall of text.
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