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Ex-Student's Opinion on CNU (CPEN Major)

I honestly had a really bad time at CNU, and I regret going there so much. Before I get into the meat of the post, I want to immediately get this out of the way: I am extremely biased, and my experience at CNU is not going to be representative of most people's experiences at the school. I seem to be a magnet for bad luck. CNU is most certainly not a bad school, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows over at CNU no matter how green the Great Lawn may seem. This post is more or less going to be a rant, and long one at that since I want to capture as much of the experience as I can.
I started attending CNU in the fall semester in 2017, and eventually decided to drop out midway through the 2019 fall semester after it proved to be more of the same.
Let's get the good stuff out of the way. The learning community I was placed in was absolutely amazing, and the friends I made there stuck with me the entire time I was there. Most people were friendly, although it was cliquey. The campus is also undeniably beautiful. and despite the desperate cries of my coronary artery, I still long for the buffalo chicken wraps and the beloved tender Tuesday. The fondest memories I have of CNU are wandering around campus with my friends.
Now let's get into the meat of it. I'm going to go through my experiences at the school in chronological order.
Coming into the school freshman year, I found my footing pretty fast, and wasn't challenged very much the first semester. I actually had a pretty good time. The first class I ever sat down and took was a logic course focusing on symbolic logic. It was a very enjoyable class, taught by a very bright and understand professor. We got to build simple robots in ENGR 121 and make them compete against each other, which was absolutely fun and a great way to get to know other students at the school. The professor who taught that class also had some very idealistic views about engineering and often talked about how the mindset needed to succeed in engineering is good for approaching problems in life in general, which I genuinely enjoyed. It resonated with me on a personal level, and made me feel very excited coming into CNU at the time. However, as the semester went on, I ended up feeling less excited. Two of my other professors in particular were a bit questionable. One of them- My CPSC 125 professor- was a last minute hire with no teaching experience. I don't want to fault him too much since he was new to teaching, but it definitely was not a great experience in that class as a result. He often fumbled with the material a bit, but that's ok for the most part. What isn't ok is him teaching us the material incorrectly. A standard practice in the Comp Sci department is taking the overall course structure including lecture content, quizzes, and tests from the department so all of the classes end up with a similar experience. This would be fine, but this practice would come to bite me several times during my stay at CNU. In CPSC 125, our professor taught us one piece of the material incorrectly, then took quizzes from another teacher. In that quiz, it was done properly, so using the method he taught us would result in getting it wrong. That one kind of slipped under the radar for the most part. Only a few people noticed, and for the most part nothing like that happened again, but that problem would go on to become emblematic of the problems would face later on at CNU.
I also had an American Studies class that was a constant headache. Our professor made us buy several books that we only used small excerpts from for one. Again, not the biggest deal, but come on. The quizzes and tests were terrible in that class. The class more or less just had us do assigned reading, and then come to class to analyze it. However, our teacher went out of his way to ask the most inane questions on assignments that were about memorizing small details about a work rather than understanding the work as a whole. He wrote the single most egregious question I have ever seen on an assignment in my entire life. We were assigned Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum Address as a reading, and in it Lincoln says that an outside military force could not conquer the US in "a trial of a thousand years" but the real danger to the United States is a civil war. Our professor decided to ask us a question about that line in particular. Did he ask about the meaning of the line and the historical context of it? Of course not. The question he wrote was along the lines of
"Abraham Lincoln said that an outside military force could not conquer the US in a trial of _____ Years, but danger could arise from within. Complete the quote." with the choices being
A. 100 years
B. 1000 Years
C. 10,000 years
When I read that question, my jaw dropped. How could any person who has devoted their life to educating others write a question that misses the point that hard? Perhaps his intent was to have me remember that quote forever, because that question is burned into my mind permanently.
Later on in the semester, he assigned us a reading at 8 pm via email the night before the class met that we needed to read before the class. When we met, he asked if we got his email, and I replied "Yes, at 8 pm last night." He immediately got defensive, and said "Well, I could have sent it earlier today."
What kind of reasoning is that? That's the equivalent of someone saying "You killed 4 people, how could you!?" to you, and then deciding that the best reply is "Well, I could have killed 8!"
The class was just more of the same throughout the semester, with other squabbles like that happening semi-regularly.
Now, I understand my complaints so far are admittedly pretty petty regarding this class, and you'd be right. However, these experiences would go onto shape my overall perception of CNU as time went on. Attending that class and thinking about how much I'm paying for it made me feel jaded. This semester was the height of my entire experience at CNU, and I only had good things to say about two of my classes.
So the first semester goes by without too much issue, aside from feeling a bit disappointed overall. However, registration came next. I think something was terribly wrong with the entire PCSE department that year, because most my peers got completely shafted during registration and had a lot of trouble getting into the classes they need for their major. I was pretty lucky in that I only needed an override into Math 240 (Which filled up about a day before I could even register). So I go to the office to get that all sorted out, and the guy there was noticeably irritated and was displeased to see me come in with the override form. I get it. The classes filled up, it's logistics nightmare, but don't take it out on me. They end up opening up another section, so everything is ok for the most part, but my peers couldn't say the same. The overall mood on my hall was doom and gloom.
Enter the spring semester. It was pretty uneventful except for CPSC 150, which I'll get to in a bit. I took Phil 202 with the same Phil professor I had last semester and enjoyed it a lot. I don't want to name names in this post, but I'll make an exception for Professor Homan since I only have good stuff to say about him. Bless that man, I loved his classes. Aside from that, the first year writing seminar had very low expectations, and went over basic things that most people should have learned in middle school like how to cite sources. Econ 201 was super basic as well, and I literally played Starcraft during lectures and got a B still (Don't do this).
CPSC 150 I feel was officially "the beginning of the end". The professor I had explained everything very, very slowly. His lectures were around 2 weeks behind the other classes, to the point where even his own homework assignments were outpacing him. I distinctly remember him talking about something that we had to know over a week ago to complete some homework, and he introduced it in class as if it were rocket science and we had never seen it in our entire lives. He said things along the lines of "Now, I know this is very hard, but just keep at it, and we'll understand it all together, ok?" I raised my hand and told him that we already did some problems like that on the homework, and he was taken aback, as if that were surprising. It felt pretty bad sitting in class since his lectures were more or less meaningless since we already had to learn the material beforehand. He also had this one quirk where he'd pull up a powerpoint and copy sentences on the powerpoint onto the white board by hand, which is just kind of silly. One day I noticed he stopped taking attendance, so I never showed up for his lectures ever again unless we had a quiz and I got an A. I will say that he was pretty good about helping students who asked for help and hosting office hours and such, so it's not as if there was a lack of effort on his part. It's just that the pace of the class was just way too slow, and it was to our detriment. Remember how I mention the CPSC department shares lectures and other material? This class was no exception. By the end of the year, we were so far behind in the material compared to other classes that we were an entire coding project behind. There were somewhere around 6 big projects in the semester (I can't remember the exact number) and we only ever made it to project 5 while the other sections taught by other professors made it through all 6. So effectively, by having him we were literally missing out on material.
Let's take a quick minute to talk about housing. I was in the Santoro dorm. It wasn't great, but not the worst still. I was in a triple and it was pretty cramped in there, and our AC didn't work very well so our room was constantly uncomfortably hot for all of us. I guess that's about what you'd expect. The fire alarms were stupid sensitive, and they'd go off all of the time for stupid reasons like putting popcorn in the microwave for too long. There were a few times where it'd go off at 3 am or such, and we'd all have to march outside in our pajamas in the middle of the night. That's all not too crazy, but what nobody expected was for our ceiling in the hallway to start leaking. Near the end of the semester, a leak formed in the ceiling on our hall. It got bigger, and bigger, until the hallway had a perpetual yellow puddle in the hallway. Eventually they slapped down a big trashcan to collect the water, but that leak wasn't done yet. The ceiling tiles deteriorated, and collapsed into the trashcan. We kept trying to get someone to fix it, but the maintenance people kept giving us excuses, like saying it's the end of the school year and they need to cut into the wall to fix it which is a safety hazard or something like that. So a few weeks go by, and the leak is so bad that the water is seeping into people's doors and saturating their room carpets with water, which is absolutely gross. At that point our RA had just had it with it, and went to bat for us, nagging the maintenance people until they actually did something. Turns out their excuse about having to cut into the wall was exactly that- an excuse. Somehow it was ok for them to cut into the wall now that our RA nagged them. I mean, it's not like a huge puddle in the middle of the hallway is a safety hazard either, right?
So, despite having nightmares about the yellow puddle consuming us all, my first year came to a close, and I felt optimistic about the second semester still. I thought that I wasn't being challenged because it's just intro level stuff, and I got a bit unlucky with professors. Turns out I was wrong. My next year at CNU would be more of the same.
When I signed up for CPSC 250 for my second year fall semester, the instructor was TBA. Naturally, I ended up with the same professor I had for 150 because my mom gave birth to me under a leaning ladder while knocking over salt shakers or something. And.... My professor did the exact same thing. Everything was the same, right down to us being one project behind the other class. However, he did even worse this time. He started to struggle with the material. The lectures he would go through were designed by another professor, and he wouldn't even look at them before coming to class. He fumbled through the material, making mistakes in his coding, making mistakes with his IDE, etc. Some classes he spent upwards of 20 minutes just trying to get his IDE (IDE being a program you use to write software on a computer) to work. Eventually it got to the point where he was completely stumped by a problem in the lecture, and he turned to us and asked US "Does anywhere know how to do this?" which is completely absurd! It's absolutely ridiculous to pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend a university, then have a professor ask you to show him how to solve problems in the lecture.
I had CPEN 214 this year, and the class itself was fine. However we had to build circuits using breadboards, and the kits themselves had problems. The IC chips in the kit had their labels worn out so it was very hard to figure out what chip I was even looking at. Some of them flat out didn't work. They didn't show any damage, but testing them showed that the chips weren't functioning properly. It was infuriating to build a circuit properly, and find that it doesn't work just because of faulty equipment. The kits were missing resistors, and finding proper resistors we needed to build circuits was a hassle. The most egregious example was busted capacitors. We had to build a decently large circuit that utilized capacitors, but some people had faulty ones that would completely ruin the circuit's output. It took forever for us to figure out what was wrong, since my friends and I just assumed we were building it wrong. Eventually it got to the point where we constructed the exact same circuits on different boards and some of them would work, and other wouldn't. We narrowed it down to the capacitors. Switching capacitors from different kits out suddenly made the entire circuit work. So when it came time to turn in our work, we ended up having to pass around working capacitors between us so we wouldn't fail. When I say fail, I mean it. The circuit would completely not work at all with the faulty capacitors. Yay.
Now enter Spring 2019.
We get to lovely CPEN 315. Our professor was a very nice guy, and clearly very knowledgeable. But he would always go into amazingly long tangents about things vaguely related to the material that was interesting, but really had little to do with the class. Very little was accomplished in the lectures. By now I had some other problems in my life related to health, and I started skipping the lectures pretty frequently. I kept texting my friend each day asking him if I missed anything, and 99% of the time he would say "Nope. Not a thing." I ended up with a B in that class despite not attending frequently. As for the lab side of it, I really don't like the curriculum for that lab at all. We had to once again build circuits on a bread board. However, the curriculum had us literally build the same circuit over and over again, but larger scale. It was the exact same design process, but just longer and more tedious to design and wire. Utterly pointless, and a waste of time.
I also had some problems with another CPSC class, which I won't comment on too much. I'd just like to share a time when the professor put the attendance code up on the board without telling us, then yelled at us when we didn't see it, saying "It was up there for 30 seconds, you need to be prepared for class!". Yes. He literally said 30 seconds, as if that's an astronomical amount of time to set up your laptop, log into it, open the browser, navigate to scholar, and copy the code down. One of my classmates asked him "Would you mind putting up there again?" and he scoffed at her, and angrily said "YES, I DO MIND, but I'll do it anyways." Real pleasant. The atmosphere was just a tiny bit hostile there. Just a bit.
Overall, not a great year. Academically I felt disappointed since I still wasn't being challenged very much overall, and I felt like everything I had accomplished up to that point at CNU could have been done in half the time if the courses were more rigid, and the professors were more focused. It felt like based on the pace so far, it would be crazy to enter the workplace in just 2 years from then. I felt like I had barely grown, or barely learned anything at all so far. I just had no confidence in my education whatsoever.
But before we move onto my last semester at CNU, we have to cover Puddle 2: Santoro's Revenge. My dorm room at Potomac South also leaked water from the ceiling grate. Fantastic. Also there was... a small insect problem in my room. One night I woke up at about 4 AM to use the bathroom, and when I turned on the light, I heard a buzzing noise. I was wondering what it was, and I looked up at the ceiling grate. A wasp climbed down through the vent and started buzzing around my bathroom. I felt like I was in a scene from Aliens or something, so I just shut the door and walked away. I'm allergic to wasps, and people in my family react pretty poorly to stings, though it's not to the point where it causes spontaneous death. I used the lobby bathroom, went to sleep, and never saw that wasp again. I did end up finding more wasps in more room later on, which was less than pleasant. The room across from me had the same problem, so it was likely there was some kind of nest and nearby and they were getting into our rooms somehow. Yeah uh. Not the most fun experience my life, but I lived and at least I didn't have roaches everywhere or something. Oh yeah, the fire alarm also kept going off at 3 or 4 am in PoSo too.
So I come into my last semester at CNU hoping that things will be better.
Spoilers: It wasn't.
That semester was giving me problems before it even started. So, I bought a parking pass, but didn't have a chance to pick it up since I moved in on the Sunday before classes due to scheduling problems. So I just say, "Ok, I'll pick it up before class starts on Monday, and slap it on my car. It'll be fine, right?" It wasn't fine, unless you define fine as being fined a fine by the university. That morning, I wake up at 6 am to make sure nothing stupid can happen with my parking pass. My class was at 8 am so I had plenty of time to get it sorted out. Here's the problem. I checked my email, and there's an email saying they'll start writing tickets at 7 am. Their parking office opens at 9 am. I checked the office to make sure that there really wasn't anyone there, and there wasn't. At this point I'm a little bit worried since I can already see people in golf carts writing tickets. I wandered around campus to find anybody who I could talk to, but it was a complete ghost town. Eventually I found some security guards, and they told me to just park in front of the library since that's public parking, and pick up my pass after my 8 am. So, I move my car there, and what do you know, there's a guy sitting outside the library writing tickets. He sees me get out of my car, and tells me I can't park there. I explained the situation to him, and said that the guards told me to park in front of the library. The guy just looked at me, paused for a moment, then said "Well, you can park wherever you want, I'm still going to write you a ticket" and drove off in his car. WTF? I got into my car, and started circling around campus looking for ideas. I ended up parking in front of the ticket office since nobody was there. So, at this point I was already incredibly stressed out and having a very bad day. I walked into my 8 am class around 20 minutes late, and fumed for the rest of the day about it. All of that was just incredibly unprofessional, and ridiculous to put up with.
The 8 am class I mentioned was CPSC 327. And guess what? There were more IDE problems. Our professor spent an entire class period trying to fix his IDE. Great. As a fun fact, I told my friend who attends JMU as a CS major about how I had so many professors have problems with their IDE and asked her if that happened at JMU, and she just laughed and said "No, that's ridiculous!"
Honestly I don't remember much of this semester either, aside from it being more of the same. Subpar curriculum overall, etc. I was getting to jaded and upset with the university at that point, and some health problems were starting to really get to me as well. Halfway through I really lost any drive and desire to keep going at that point, and I started looking into dropping out since CNU had not treated me well these past years. But that wasn't before PUDDLE 3: SANTORO'S CURSE. This time our washing machine at Rapp started leaking water everywhere. Saturated the entire dang carpet in front of it, and seeped water into my room as well. Great, I love it. Also our washedryer never worked right in the first place and doing laundry was hell on Earth, taking over 5 hours to do a small load.
There's one last loose end to tie up. Do you remember how I said earlier that my friends were having problems getting classes they need to graduate on time? My roommate in junior year has to take an extra semester at CNU just because he couldn't get into classes he needed to graduate on time. He literally did nothing wrong, and worked hard this entire time, but CNU's physics department shafted him. He was still considered a sophomore in terms of credits in my junior year. Same thing with another friend, who was also a CPEN major. So... Yeah. Fun times.
So, I ended up getting a medical withdraw since I wanted to take some time to sort out my health problems, and also reevaluate my career path up to that point since CNU gave me nothing but trouble.
Overall, I felt that my education was lackluster, and it was really not worth the money at all. I never felt like I was developing as a professional at all, and I never felt any confidence in my own skills that I acquired throughout my time at CNU. I'm currently in the process of transferring to Virginia Tech, and I'll be started in the fall.
Anyways, this post is super long, and I'm getting tired. I would have liked to write a more poignant conclusion, but I'm tired and burnt out. If there's anything I want you to take away from this, it's two things. The first is sign up for PLP or Honors if you can. PLP is the only way to ensure that you don't get screwed over by registration. If you want to avoid bad professors and have the privilege of being able to graduate on time sign up for PLP. I know the tone of this post has mostly been sarcastic, but I'm being serious about this. PLP will save you so many headaches. And the second lesson is.... Don't buy a washedryer combo. Seriously. They suck.
submitted by SkieSkiot to CNU [link] [comments]


Ko’tel watched as the cadets came into the hangar.
This was their final, and possibly most important lesson before they were awarded their ships and the important symbol of first contact.

Looking at the variety of races, he couldn’t help but feel pride in the Galactic Alliance of Species. Their red, yellow, blue, or grey uniforms representing each cadet’s specialty. He could almost smell the excitement in the air as they marched in. Behind them a ship for each new member of the Exploratory Corp. On the side of each ship was emblazoned the symbol for their corps, GAS-EX.

As the last of the graduating cadets fell into formation, he stepped up to the broadcaster. It projected his voice and image so all the ship crews assembled in the hall could see and hear what happened. The pride each species wore as they watched the cadets about to have their final lesson and become captains almost made them glow.

“Cadets, This is your final lesson before you become exploratory captains and get your ships.”

At this, a cheer went up. They all knew this lesson was their last, this secret lesson that all GAS-EX captains considered sacred.

“As you all know, The Do’lak had been a threat to the Galactic Alliance of Species or GAS for thousands of cycles. This threat is what united our species. Together, GAS fought bravely in each system, losing many brave souls. We were steadily losing systems to the massive resource hungry Do’lak’s war machine. The Do’lak did not negotiate, all organic material to include sentients went into vats to become biomass. They ‘cleansed’ the worlds they captured then raped those worlds of resources to support their parasitic fleet. Several honored species were lost over those many long cycles.”

As he said this, the displays were cycling through images of some of the lost species. The stopped and settled on one of the few images they had of the Do’lak fleet. This part of the ceremony always was awe inspiring. The image of the Do’lak fleet inspired fear even now, thousands of cycles later.

“Then suddenly… inexplicably they stopped. They seemed to simply disappear. At first, we had feared they were building up for a push on the core worlds. We put our entire economy behind building up our defensives, but the long-range sensors stayed quiet.”

The screens showed the front of the war as it eroded time lapsed so it didn’t take too long. The erosion of the GAS space as the Do’lak fleet took world after world. A counter in the top displaying the lives lost.

“Up until this point, the war with the Do’lak had been an endless grind. Up to that point, they had been making consistent predictable progress through our systems targeting any system with organic matter. They would arrive at the nearest system to their location, defeat any force present, and strip it in about once a cycle. They always arrived in full force and used their overwhelming numbers to crush resistance in the system. Their vats cared not if biomass was alive or dead when it went in.”

Disturbing images captured during centuries prior harvest cycles on the screens. Lines of sentient creatures being marched to their death. Or executed, and having their bodies flung into the vats. Do’lak in advanced combat armor tearing through the poor defenders. This was important, the new captains had to understand the horror of this race and how powerful and advanced they were.

The silence in the hall was such that you could even hear the ventilation cycling. The Do’lak had been the stuff of nightmares.

“Up until the sudden peace, there were only a few instances over the thousands of years where it took one or two cycles for them to show up. Likely they found a planet we hadn’t contacted yet. But this new lull was unprecedented. We kept building our defenses, but after they hadn’t attacked in twenty-five cycles we knew something had changed.”

Images of the massive defensive structures in orbit around many of the core worlds came up, each named after the associated races deities. They stood in the hangar of one such station now.

“To be fair, since the twentieth cycle, the alliance had debated sending scouts to see what happened. Too many of us rightly feared what we would find. The Do’lak were cunning foes who had severely hurt GAS a few times by leading us into ambushes.”

At this, images of ship graveyards floating in dead systems came up in detail on the great view screens.

“Finally the first expedition was sent. It was a small fast ship, equipped with the best sensors in the alliance.”

A small sleek craft, not all that different than those behind the captains now showed. The GAS-EX emblem on its side proudly showing.

“They began the Great Search. We had to know what happened to the Do’lak. None of our races could risk dropping our guard and having them reappear. Yet, each system the explorers entered, they found the same lifeless husks of planets. Each stripped of resources by the Do’lak fleet. There weren’t even remnants of ships left from battles in most as even that salvage was reclaimed.”

Here the real horror of the Do’laks started to sink in as images of dead world, after dead world, cycled on the screen.

“For that first exploratory fleet, they endured the hell of jumping into dead systems up to 50 times a cycle for 10 cycles without finding any sign of what happened.”

The galactic map came up again, systems scanned were gradually going from red to grey.

“At that point after 35 cycles without an attack, our fear began to turn to curiosity. The systems remained dead. None moved to colonize these graves. To this day they remain, a testimony to the threat the Do’lak presented. Without resources, one cannot rebuild. This made the number of systems that could be scanned a cycle drop as the distances and fuel kept getting greater.”

The galactic map on the screen showed the time accelerated red dots starting to turn grey quickly.

“By the fifth cycle of the great search, GAS had already launched 20 more ships to help search. Detailed scans were done searching for any sign of our foe. The Do’lak had harvested thousands of systems, wiping out unknown races we never knew existed in order to build their terrifying migratory fleet. They had the most advanced technology we have ever seen. These dead worlds likely each contributed a piece to those parasites.”

At this point, every eye in the hangar was glued on the map showing the scans in the unknown space the Do’lak had come from.

“This region is what we have come to know as the Dead Zone. Each system we entered was scanned, logged, and left. Eventually, some outer fuel and watch stations were put out in the Dead Zone to help with this effort, but no sign of the Do’lak was left. At this point, many of the races were looking for new worlds to expand to, but naturally, none wanted to be near the Dead Zone. Just the scout ships indexed worlds in the Dead Zone.”

The map now started to show the GAS expansion on the universal map.

“After 50 cycles, as the systems checked was approaching 340,000 there was finally a find. The now-famous scout ship, The Wanderer, had been finishing up their scan when they made a historic find. It literally bounced off their hull. The chances of such a find we can’t even begin to communicate. There was an object drifting through the system made of silica, a strange bit of wood, heavy metals and slight electronics.”

The screen now shifted to show the original images captured of the find.

“With great care, they approached the object and managed to recover it. But they knew not what to make of it. This object made no sense to any of us at the time.”

At this point, it showed initial scans. Signs of radiation, the unknown organic wood and silica compound that made up the casing.

“The outer shell was a form of Silica that through heat had been shaped into a container. They would learn this to be called a fifth. This glass fifth contained a dense metal object shielding a small data store.”

The screens showed images of the object contained in a shielded housing being transported into a research lab.

“We studied the device for another six cycles trying to unlock its secrets. It took us several cycles to remove the data store. This only occurred after discovering a way this historical artifact could be preserved. The piece of wood had to be pulled out intact without destroying it or the silica that housed it, we could not risk losing some clue as to what had happened.”

The image moved to show the original organic seal on a table. It then cut to images of the lab with the variety of species in their hazardous material gear.

“Thankfully this was done in a clean room by scientists in full hazard equipment. When the fragile piece of wood came free, the chemical alarms immediately alerted the fumes of flammable gas were present. Thankfully, these were in low enough quantities to be of no threat.”

The screens now showed the moment of removal, with the alarms blaring and scientist scrambling away until the all clear was called.

“Attempts to extract the metal container had proven to be frustrating, until Professor A’like picked it up turned the spout down and started shaking it while yelling at the bottle. Thankfully that historical moment was entirely captured on the monitors documenting the research.”

The screens now shifted to a reptilian Gorath who after dropping his tongs appears to be silently shouting something as he picks up the container and starts shaking it until the device falls through the neck of the container.

“It took our scientist several more cycles to figure out how to get the data off the alien device. It was a device designed to take parts of a computer’s memory and allow them to be transported. This one contained three files, of which one was decrypted and successfully translated.”

This showed an image of the circuitry inside the housing. This same circuitry that had only survived the radiation of space due to the dense metal shield.

“Unfortunately, we may never learn the contents of the data packets:
· New Folder
· New Folder(1)
Both were corrupted to the point no data was found inside of them. Luckily, we did find the file ListMsg.MP4. This taught us the important lesson we now impart to you, our future Exploration Captains.”

The images flashed up images of past exploration captains in all their glory. Many noted heroes within the GAS.

“The creatures who had designed the device apparently see across a wide range of spectrums when compared to the races of GAS. The data was for image generation and animation, but we lacked a viewer that could show it.”

The images shifted to showing the multitude of archaic viewers that now only existed in museums. A general rumble of different species chuckles could be heard in the hall.

“Leveraging our diversity, scientists from across the Alliance put together the viewer with pieces of five different races technology. The ability to display life, in so many wavelengths of light, launched our communications and broadcast technology by thousands of cycles alone. Suddenly, a single projector and single data format could be seen by all races. It was a solution to a problem we didn’t even realize we had. We marveled at how advanced this race must have been to create such a device. Even today, as you gaze upon the imagery you have seen today you view it on one such device.”

At this, the image cycled back to show the audience and the young cadets.

“Once we had the imagery, we were pleased to learn our standard translators quickly decoded this language and translated it for each race to understand. These devices had been essential in the founding of GAS thousands of years ago and continued to work in such a fashion. Archaic technology, but reliable.”

Images of the standard nanite injected translator all species got upon joining the GAS flashed across the screen.

“What we saw, we still struggle to fully understand. I want now want you to see an undiscovered alien species and understand the importance of the first contact. This is also why we only scout the edges of Dead Zone and all scouts were immediately recalled from that space.”

The lights in the hangar dimmed slightly as the screen glowed showing what was obviously the damaged interior of an alien craft, with a single alien sitting in a chair in front of it. A warning klaxon can be heard in the background and the whole sight seemed to flash as light strobed across the scene within the ship. Each race perceived it differently, but all agreed that waves of brightness would wash across the dark behind the alien giving almost surreal glimpses at the alien structure behind it. Its face appeared to be illuminated and in focus the entire time.

In his hands, was a fifth, but it contained an amber colored liquid. The Alien looked directly at the camera. Not being familiar with the species, we had to rely on the translator’s emotional queue feed which was flashing up different emotions at a rate hard to comprehend.

The alien at first seemed to be looking at something near the camera, then picked up the bottle and drank directly from it. His skin seemed off and he looked as though he might be ill. He then began to speak.

I am private, and momentarily the [copulating] acting Captain Luka Sotlar of what remains of the experimental ship Hawking. It would appear I am the only survivor of our [copulating] encounter with the [copulating] Hive.”

At this point, an image in the video was imposed in the corner of the Do’lak mothership. The fleet that for over a thousand cycles was the doom of those who saw it. The emotion translators seemed to flash between resignation, defiance, and pride in mixes.

According to the [copulating] readings on this [copulating] timer some [copulating] engineer decided needed to be here. “he briefly looks at something off-screen, “I will be for another 34 minutes and how every many [copulating] fractions of a [copulating] second are flashing by. I’d love to know what [copulating] engineer thought we needed four decimal places. Anyway, before I forget, I am recording this for whoever finds is, so they know what [copulating] happened here.

With this stated, the alien picks up his fifth and takes another drink from it.

In the spirit of our [copulating] past, I plan on taking a copy of this [copulating] recording, sticking it in this [copulating] fifth… which I need to [copulate] finish before that [copulating] timer does. Then I am going to shoot this little [copulator] out into space. I know the [copulating] drones monitored the whole thing. I am sure every [copulatory] on our [copulating] race is celebrating. Likely getting [copulating] drunk. This [copulating] recording seemed better than sitting here watching this [copulating] clock count down and listening to this racket. Love to find the [copulating] engineer who [copulating] thought of putting the [copulating] emergency shutoff on the bridge… [copulating] safety features…”

At this point, the alien raised its hand and began to rub the structure between its eyes. He took another swig of his fifth, then continued.

Having seen the force the [copulating] Hive hit us with on Alpha Centari, we knew the [copulating] [copulators] meant business. We had to do something [copulating] extreme to have a [copulating] hope of surviving. Hence the birth of the ship Hawking. [Copulate], I knew we had some crazy [copulating] experiments with creating [copulating] black holes on earth but first [copulating] time I’ve seen us do this.

Another swig, his eyes seemed a little less focused now. He reached over and picked up the recording device he had been speaking into. Turning it towards what initially appeared to be a shimmer, he began speaking again.

After what the [copulator] Hive did on Centari we [copulating] knew they would hit this [copulating] colony next. Their warships aren’t particularly strong, there is just a [copulate] load of them… Thankfully the [copulators] are taking they [capulating] time in Alpha Centauri. After the rest of the [copulators] in our [copulating] race had seen the slaughter the hive brought, it finally united us [copulators].”

Through the shimmer, the viewers could start making out the chaos of a destroyed system. Even the sun was distorted, no longer round and flinging blazing balls as planets, moons, and asteroids crashed into each other and fragments went everywhere.

We evacuated the colonist here before we launched operation [Copulate]-you. We turned to our [copulating] scientist and in true [copulating] human spirit they designed the biggest weapon we could [copulating] think of… This system.

Pride, Shame, Anger, and Relief all showed on the emotional reader. Even the Do’lak never had never destroyed an entire system like that before. The damage was beyond comprehension as the audience sat slack-jawed.

Ko’tel couldn’t help but feel a bit of humor as he watched their reaction to this aliens recount. This video had never been released to the general populace by universal agreement of the alliance members leadership after the first private viewing. It was rumored, but only those who became captain and their crews got to actually see it. Ko’tel couldn’t remember how many times he had seen it, but the alien still both enthralled and terrified him.

“By now, most of y’all [copulators] probably already know about the Hawking’s Principle… [Copulating] Whatever goes into a black hole comes out as radiation only… was proven in our pre-colony days by some [copulating] scientist on experimenting with [copulating] black holes on our only planet at the time. Crazy [Copulators].”

This was the part Ko’tel always felt a chill. This video the narrator never thought another race would find. He figured his own would. The GAS had no idea who Hawking even was, but if his principles of war did the damage they were observing he must have been a mighty force.

“Well, I guess we [copulating] validated it, no one was [copulating] able to create a true black hole to test it prior to this. Not that we didn’t [copulating] think of it. Not like [copulating] environmentalist stopped us from dropping [copulating] nukes on our [copulating] self.”

The matter of fact nature this creature stated this was chilling. This race played with some of the universe's most powerful forces. Nuke had long been determined, despite the terrible implication, to mean nuclear. The splitting of the atom on one’s own planet was almost unthinkable.

“This ship and its [copulating] sister, Einstein, were designed to [copulating] create a black hole so we could [copulating] study it. At the time, the [copulating] environmentalist got the program banned due to concerns about what effect a black hole would on the system it was in.”

As the audience could see the shattered remains of the system drifting about behind the Alien, it was hard to argue with their environmentalist.

“Which brings me to today. Our two ships were sent to stop the [copulating] hive. We were all [copulating] volunteers expected to [copulating] die soon as we were seen. I didn’t care, lost my [copulating] family on Centari… Hell, most of us on these ships did. We were told it would be a quick death… No one mentioned this [couplating] countdown clock or potential of living this [copulating] long.”

At this point, the alien was visibly paler than at the start of the video. Each drink from the fifth seems to steady it. Pain, Pride, Victory, and Resignation kept flashing by as he talked. Ko’tel always felt a lump in his throat at this point. GAS had lost so many soldiers, but he had never had one speak directly to him. One that knew he was dead.

“We knew the [Copulating] Hive would come here and even [copulating] where they would enter normal space. [Copulating] predictable [Copulators]. So we parked our ships and waited. It was a [copulating] desperation move, [copulating] black hole might just kill us all, but we knew the fleet they sent planned to.”

Thoughtful was the expression indicators only reading. It was obvious to all who watched this species knew exactly what they were doing and the risk.

“[Copulator], Wish I could tell you there was some great space battle or we held a pass like the [copulating] Spartans, but in truth, we unleashed [copulating] physics on those sons of [female canine species]. We fired whatever the [copulating] scientists had put on these [copulating] experimental ships. We watched fascinated as the two beams intersected in the middle of the biggest [copulating] hive ship we saw.”

Here the video showed the entire Do’lak migratory race entering normal space. Their entire race lived on the central colony ship. In a flash, the very universe began to distort as those ships disappeared into a dark dot. The Alien started making a noise while the mood indicator read amusement.

“It was a [copulating] glorious moment, watching the unleashed darkness suddenly warping space around it swallowing their entire [copulating] fleet. We got that [copulating] fleet before they ever fired a shot. Just one catch. We positioned our ships outside the area likely to be the [copulating] kill zone. [copulating] metric versus imperial units again.”

The display showed frustration, anger, and then resignation.

“Why can’t we ever [copulating] learn! We had [copulating] known this [copulating] artificial hole wouldn’t last long, but that didn’t stop it from wrecking this [copulating] system. Guess the [copulating] environmentalist were right.”

The creature appeared to have trouble breathing, as it turned and spit a dark red substance out. Then took another drink of its fifth.

“Every [copulating] thing was moved by that [copulating] gravity well. It collapsed before we would have entered it. We [copulating] thought we had [copulating] made it. Then [copulating] debris of moons, planets, asteroids, and whatever else in this [copulating] system came flying our way. Both of our [copulating] ships were destroyed… except for this [copulating] piece of the [copulating] cargo hold the [copulating] Captain asked me to retrieve this [copulating] fifth from.”

At this point, the alien took a long drink from the fifth almost polishing off the bottle. He had more blood on his lips, and skin looked more discolored. He was dying before their eyes, yet there was a fire in his eyes, A defiance even.

“So here I am, wondering if the emergency [copulating] field holding in the [copulating] air, temporary [copulating] room life support system failure, [copulating] radiation exposure or all this crap I am drinking will [copulating] kill me first… Based on the [copulating] timer, I am guessing power failure. So, that’s our glorious victory over the [copulating] hive. Mission [Copulate] you is a [Copulating] success, Yay”

The screen displays sarcasm, then optimism.

“Hopefully it sends those [copulators] a message not to [copulate] us [copulators].”

At this, even sickened looking and obviously dying, the Alien’s skin near its mouth pulled back to expose teeth. Happiness showed on the mood indicator, though Ko’tel always considered it the most frightening display of it he had ever seen.

“This is [Copulating] acting captain Sotlar proudly saying we [copulated] the bastards. And to the [copulators] who find this, I [copulating] salute you [copulators]. Out”

The last image was of the alien raising his fifth towards the camera, then tipping the bottle back and finishing off its contents. The screen then flashed black.

The crews and new captains sat in stunned silence as the recording ceased. The ventilation seemed loud in the sudden silence as the lights came back up. Ko’tel stepped back up to speak.

“As you have seen, there are advanced races we have yet to meet. This race destroyed an enemy we fought for thousands of cycles in a single engagement with two ships. Not to mention the entire system they fought in. As GAS-EX captains, you will hold the fate of GAS in your hands when you make first contacts.”

The weight of the responsibility could be seen on each cadet… no, captain’s face and shoulders as this settled on them Ko’tel noted approvingly. Their crews looking to each, knowing the severity of their charge with new found respect.

“It’s a long way through the dead zone, and I don’t know if any of you will ever encounter one of these creatures. As a precaution though, you will get a symbol of your status as captains so they can easily identify your leadership position.”

At this, a senior officer near the stage started taking replica fifths to each captain individually.

“We have recreated this fifth as accurately as we could. We even synthesized the contents from what samples were inside. Do not drink from it, it will kill you. The contents are closer to fuel than anything you can safely consume.”

Each of the new captains took their fifth’s and admired their clear silica shells and amber brown poison inside.

“Most races we have ever met have a name for themselves that the translators normally turns into [people generic]. We change that word to refer to that race rather than generic people to keep from offending them. From now on, your translators will be set so that this race that self identifies as [Copulators] will always call them by their own word. This is the most powerful alien we have ever encountered, so it is important that should you encounter them you greet them properly. Watch as I do it, then copy. When you finish you are now captains.”

Stepping forward, Ko’tel raised his fifth high and shouted, “I Fucking Salute you Fuckers!” and watched in pride as all the new captains followed his example.

Author’s Note: This started with a challenge to do a story about a note in a bottle. The human was inspired by a friend from college from Slovenia who had a favorite adjective and noun he liked to use as much as possible. It was also inspired by the linked popular mechanics article on Hawkings radiation being measured. I am sure there are some issues, I crashed this out as I let it distract me momentarily from my current series… which will now resume. Thank you to u/BetsyCro and u/Mobadder for their feedback on the story.
submitted by Lostfol to HFY [link] [comments]

Diss-Cussing whole E-Bible (joke title)

Warning: essay with links, not a wade in shallows, a dive into deep end
My apologies to devotional Christians who will surely take offense at the following notions. I have no animosities to these persons; they form a bulwark or buffer-zone between me and MORE hostile religions like Judaism, Islam, Climate-Change, and Government Saves (it really ENslaves). These muckers should have their own Diss-Cussion posts. Christianity is not the least mucked-up belief system. Even less mucked up are European Enlightenment, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto (traditional Japanese behavior) and Rothbardism. But I'm surrounded by a Christian culture called the American Bible Belt. At least around here, Christians are the powers that be.
The famous Holy Bible is a mucking curse on humanity, especially the Old Testament (aka Torah), and the New T is not much better. They are both creations of compromised Judaic illusionists.
Compromised because their fictions have multiple objectives (things to which readers should object, and goals of the authors and promulgators of the themes contained therein). For quick proof of how mucked up the OT is, look at its associates, the N and K. TNK is so mucked up, I want to use the acronym NTNK for anti-TNK, which is really a better label for a goy posture toward hostile Judaics than "Zionist" or my own Juice, because it goes to the source of Jewish hostility to Goyim (aka Golem).
Who Wrote the Bible? - R SEPEHR 12.5 min
edit Apr.23.2020 Pagan Origins of Judaism 22 min Judaic departure from typical near east traditions; 14:05 Judes placed mythic humans featured, the NrEasTs had mythic gods featured, humans were menials; discussion of bible begins 14:37 search Pentateuch documentary hypothesis, Graf-Wellhausen hypothesis Judaic timeline diagram 15:38
Evidence of Judaic muckery: Dual Morality, one for Jews, the opposite for Goyim
Jews support LGBT movement, but Forbidden relationships in Judaism
One Law for Jews, Another Law for Gentiles 2016
Jews and the GOYIM: Candor About the Ongoing Implications of Talmudic Dual Morality
Null hypothesis says that Bible is the revealed word of God (YHWH). Alternative hypo, a curse. Why? It's a fancy aggregation of fictions that have been hyped into a dominance agenda. Bible is maybe the most respected and reprinted book in history. Today I'm going to don my "ultra-violate" glasses (spectrally opposite to "rose-colored"). My regard is Bible's high reputation is way out of proportion to the actual content. Respect for it comes from a long tradition, which includes (un-hyped) brutal enforcement. The muckers in control of the various Churches have been despicable, morally depraved, and power-mad molesters screwing over the general public (literally in the case of children). But of course, those ideas are things TPTB want you (respected Goy reader) to un-know.
Whassa mattah me, don't I "get it"? Yeah, I get that Bible's another scam, the cultural world is chock full of them. See Survey of Creation and Destruction Part 4 HoaxWorld. Religion is not investigated in that blog, I skipped it on purpose. Putting down traditional beliefs is guaranteed to attract calumny. So for today, I'm throwing caution to the wind and saying "calumny? bring it on."
Unicorns? BELIEVE Why Christianity is bullshit, part 1: The Bible is stupid 2012 brief article followed by 41 comments; sequential proceeds (Aggregation of parts extracted in study notes.)
What IS Religion? US government is prohibited from making a law "respecting establishment" of one.
Something spooky: "establishment" can mean an existing thing, OR a process of creating such a thing. Legal definition: establishment
But Bill of Rights does not define religion, it takes for granted everyone knows. Most Constitutional scholars look to Black's Dictionary of Law... default is Christian. So readers are left to decide among the various Christian sects.
General definition, 'religion' offers 3 clusters of descriptors. I'm going to offer a more succinct summary:
1 ideology composed of some fixed (inflexible, not a trend) doctrine (idea set) 2 said doctrine is espoused and promulgated by a coterie of persons knowledgeable in the doctrine, who might be said to "believe" it, that is, are faithful to it 3 elements of the doctrine should be considered 'memes' in that the knowledge is reproduced by believers to persons not familiar with the ideology to become likewise, believers 4 said coterie (or cadre) forms a core group endeavoring to reproduce their 'special knowledge' doctrine, are considered 'authorities', and the doctrine is supported by argument from authority aka 'faith' and not requiring any empirical evidence. It seems that fiction works better than truth to attract followers, if history is good evidence. In the case of some religions, what began as no more than teaching of philosophy morphed into fantastic fictions over time 2016.
The success of a meme (its reproduction rate relative to its extinction rate) depends on the benefits it provides to (a) potential new believers, (who may decide to 'pass on it'), and (b) old believers, (who want to 'pass it on').
According to my definition, any book (eg. Bible) might be considered a religion, since it has most of the features, except one: motive for reproduction. Books can be parsed into commercial enterprises, and belief systems. A commercial enterprise benefits promulgators via fiduciary exchange outside the contents of the book. Example DaVinci Code, author Brown profited from sales, not in having readers "believe" the fictional story. A belief system benefits promulgators via the contents of the book, any other exchange is not essential. Example Gideon's Bible. It seems there is some innate satisfaction from gaining converts to one's own ideals. See also the Judaic mitzvah (divine obligation) Tikkun olam ('repairing' the world by pushing Judaic memes upon others (some of the memes are for Jews, others are for Goyim, example Ethical movement, "replacing theology with unadulterated morality") ).
Religion, the (horrible) Truth, A Werner 2003
A take-down of religious "morality" by a "believer"
How the Medieval Church Frightened People Into Obedience 11.5 min
Best Proving or Disproving God Theory
After perusing evidence for many years, I find the theory that best explains Gods and Goddesses is simple: they're imaginary. That's not to dismiss them, because it's a proven fact that imagination exists IRL, that is from where all human artifacts come, ideas. "Tis an ILL wind that blows no minds" ― Malaclypse the Younger Virtual Religion
Why are the books of the Bible (anthology) so well-respected?
Bible IS respected, (the contents, not the physical object) but my case is that the respect is not deserved, it comes as a tradition, which by definition, is a body of respected custom. A big chunk of that tradition came with brute force to spread it and keep it, especially during the middle ages when Roman Catholic/Orthodox Churches executed heretics, and communities ostracized deviants (eg. witches). More about them below. My attitude is that all religions have a veneer of social construction, meaning the persons promoting a theology want to cast a spell, to influence followers into their system (special knowledge... "Possession of special knowledge will save you, we have such knowledge; kneel before us, pay us, etc." — quote from).
In the case of witches, the presumed heresy claim could be applied to extort money or property from the victim or her family, by hiding that with the overt excuse of condemning a pagan (evil) heritage. Who were those ye-olde "witches"? (Christian Era)
Medieval Period - History of Witchcraft
Witches and Witchcraft in the Middle Ages
A Very Brief History of Witches & Witchcraft
Evolution of the medieval witch – and why she’s usually a woman 2018
New Witch Overview
Why were witches mostly women? (another view)
There was a pre-historic pagan heritage contrary to Christian doctrine, which Church officials wanted to eliminate. Part of that heritage was a lore of herbal medicine which probably worked better than the prayers offered by Churchmen who were essentially clueless about illness. Women were more likely to be practitioners of herbalism due to their nurturing bent. So Churchmen needed those herbalists to be "painted black" and cursed to oblivion. There may have been some use of hallucinogenic "medicine" associated with those herbalists, which could be exploited as evidence of wrong-doing, much like it is today with the "War on Drugs". (Drugs are not directly problematic, their hazard is due to black-market sellers demanding high prices, and the associated crimes buyers commit to pay them. See illicit drug trade)
Bible influence has varied. Thru much of European Church history, only elite persons had access (Devotional churchmen and well educated laypersons (versions, translations). Not only that, but other influences had a stronger influence in Christian affairs than the Bible, in particular were medieval confluences with religions that pre-dated Christianity. Romanisation of Christianity 11.7 min
See table of non-Biblical foreign inductions 7:32
From prehistory, spiritual ideas and feelings seem to have existed, proof being cave paintings, statuettes, petroglyphs, and surviving artifacts of historic times, like Egyptian tomb paintings and Greek myths. My attitude is that spiritual ideas are a conflation of social construct and memories of parents (or caregivers), from early childhood. Social constructs are artifacts, and toddler-age memories are colored by the adults involved, but the gist is that adults may be awesome to an infant. See a detailed investigation of social constructionism.
Morality as presented in Bible, parable form, is confusing if taken as direct illustration (more obvious moral parables, see Aesop's Fables).
Sin: behavioral (or mental!) activity of which authorities disapprove, usually because it may undermine their control. Eg., peruse my appraisal of 10 commandments, and Survey of Christianity (part 1)
Blessed Be... our believers, for they shall pay us forever.
Cursed Be... our disbelievers, for they shall assume our scorn-dumps forever.
See AntiZionist Canards (series opener)
Torah YHWH was a vile character model. Anu-Yahweh, True Devil, Impostor God because God sacrificed his own son... (warning: you will not like this post) 2017
List: The Church’s Most Controversial Doctrines (note these are Church doctrines, not Bible doctrines)
Jesus is painted white, a Prince of Peace, and a Merciful God-the-Son. Isn't that a totally different character than the Torah's YHWH? (Can't be same god (or leg of tri-god)!)
"God-the-Father" of Jesus let him be tortured to death by Romans. What kind of role model is that for fatherhood?
Christians: If Jesus was God, then to whom did he sacrifice himself? (content is all in the comments)
Christian Cross is a Roman instrument of torture and execution. What kind of symbol is that for a merciful doctrine? The other famous symbol is a fish, something smelly about that.
Why True Christians Do Not Use the Cross in Worship
Original Christian Cross was Greek letters Chi, Rho
YHWH modeled after: Middle Eastern God-Kings and Ozimandias-like 'Oriental Potentates' virtually corrupt nation
How the Jews Invented God, and Made Him Great 2016
Holy Trinity is a Pagan-derived doctrine, and so are many other Christian motifs.
Christian, Freemason, Jewish motifs
Gods of the Lodge
Accurate "prophecies" are always "posted" (published after being "confirmed")
Moving On?
Roots of the White Man 2016
In a Quest for Religion's “holy spark”, leaving the Age of Now behind, is Salvation (Alignment) to be found in Computer Games?
7 Reasons to Play Computer Games 2016 | Psy2dy
Enlightenment 2.0 by apostle Chen
Why Study Christian Bible, while we have Wikid Pedia?
1 ring-verse (universe) bible-verse-curse, an allusive template: One Ring
Tolkien full-quote
Morphic version, Bible allusion
One Thing to rule them all, One Thing to mind them, One Thing to bring them all into Black Knight, and blind them In the Land of Moloch where the Judasots lie.
(for reference to Judasots, see the story of Exclude Us)
Getting funky, caution: distortions ahead, for grins
Bible Study Read my 'Meshed Up' Lips
Regina Vagina 0.7 min
Errors in Book of Dan?... evidence in troduction to the Book of Daniel
1 Meshab, 2 Moab, and 3 AlbiNegro, some kinda twisted parody on Danny Stuff... freebased on: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego | wkdpd
Shadrack MacGimsey 3.5 min
1 Moche Prick, a plagiarized story of Meshab and the White Whale (not MeshLab)
2 MOAB (umm a - Saddam's Children)
3 Albi Negro (Jesus was Albino African Hypothesis)
Butt On Line
All Bible teachings, and also non-Bible teachings coming from a church, are trivial in the sense they have little or no effect on actions (except church attendance). If someone makes an action on 6 days per week, the idea for which came from Bible, that would be an exception. Most actions I've seen have little to do with Biblical influence (except maybe virtue signaling with public prayer). So I'm OK with the Bible, it's an old fictional book, not especially good for anything but quoting, not even amusement, unless you like to argue. So go ahead and believe whatever you want, does not matter to me.
edit Apr.12.2020 (Happy Easter)
History Guy on Bible, translations King James Version: Translating the World's Most Popular Book 12.2 min
Francis Bacon, KJV by Mather Walker (illustrated) 2007
Sr FB NAoL homepage
sequel, Diss-Cussing Religion
study notes
Aggregation of "Why Christianity is bullshit', part X, by MIKE D 1 Bible is stupid 2 Bible Not True 3 Theology is absurd Onward UnChristian Sojures; A-Unicornist blog (homepage)
Occulting the Bible – How Scripture Was Kept From the Masses 11.7 min
The Lie of the Tyrannical Biblical God, Rockn'MrE 10 min
A take-down of religious "morality" by a "believer"
Religion is "scary" literature
Do We Obey God Out of Fear? 2016
Obey God from Fear 2017 That's a lame excuse. Now take the Aztec's neighbors for example; they had genuine reason to fear (Huitzilopochtli)
From Jediism to Judaism: Star Wars as Jewish Allegory Dec 5, 2015
new age hippie talk and more like an introduction to Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism.
Garret Hardin “The Tragedy of the Commons,” 1968
Paul-Michel Foucault philosophy
does worship = deity, or religion?
When Jews Rule The World 2012 | rjn (video is dead)
Prophetic Years Prophetic implications of Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem 2017 America transforms from honorable to dishonorable in fifty years 2013 Deception is epidemic in America 2011 must be war
submitted by acloudrift to AlternativeHypothesis [link] [comments]

[OC] Very Clever Primitives III

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"Moar!" they cry, "Gib moar!"
Well, here you all are, fresh off the keyboard. I'm all hyped up on coffee and it's a slow day at work. So, let's get started! This one was a bit rough to work on, mostly because I have WAY too many ideas to tie down to one part.
Rest assured, I have A LOT of material for "moar". Enjoy. :)
Three days without sleep took their toll on my body. Half of a rotation passed before I found the strength to awaken from my pseudo-hiberation. The soft, pillowed blanket, currently wrapped around me like a cocoon, provided too much warmth to part with it. Couple that with my exhaustion, the air duct gently blowing cooled air onto my bundled-up frame, and you had yourself a very, VERY comfy val'lan.
It was heavenly.
"Scholar Sko'lan!" a voice called out from beyond my quarters. I knew that voice, the all too perky diplomat Ska'ya. Her voice grated on my nerves, my earlobes folding over to block out that incessant sound. It was sleep time.
"Scholar Sko'lan! You were supposed to be at the meeting a quarter of a rotation ago, are you okay?!" she called out. A growl escaped my chest, tongue backing away so that my teeth would not cut the sensitive muscle. The orange glow erupting from my blanket made me look radioactive.
Meetings with different governments was a diplomats job. Couldn't this scholar just sleep?
"By the Gods, woman! I was awake for three rotations before I managed this much rest! Can't you just record the meeting? I trust that wouldn't be too difficult!" I barked out, the annoyance evident on my voice. A swift pounding was met at my door following my outburst, forcing me to further retreat into my blanket cocoon. There was no biological scholar, only Sko'lan the cocoon.
However, the pounding only seemed to grow louder as she put all of her strength into it. Was she going to bash down my door?! I cursed the names of each and every person on this ship as I writhed in my blanket, unwillingly forcing myself free from the comfort of my bed. I was half tempted to thrust open the door to display my body in the nude for those rude enough to awaken me. It would have been funny to see the flurry of colors on their scales from the indecency. The radiant orange glow was slowly changing to yellow as the thoughts of seeing their aghast reaction to my naked form flooded my mind.
It was true, I was getting older, but that didn't mean it wasn't fun to act immature.
I settled on wearing a basic tunic with casual shorts making my way towards the door, entering in the security code on the nearby keypad so that the steel portal would slowly open up. Anyone on the other side would clearly see my unamused expression, scales a dull orange while I got ready to be verbally attacked by the diplomat I wish I never had the displeasure of meeting.
She was abhorrant. Her colors were all wrong. They swirled, they didn't flow. They were obnoxiously bright, as if everything and everything was either the worst or best thing ever created. She bounced, bubbled, and clicked the claws on her feet on the ground with every step. If she was dumped into the vast abyss of space for the crime of simply existing, I would have thrown a party after her removal. I detested this woman's presence. She was so... animated.
Did I mention clueless? She was quick to roll into an obnoxiously bright yellow tone even after she saw my less than amused colors.
"Hello hello, Scholar Sko'lan!" she exclaimed, nearly twirling in place, her caste robes swaying back and forth as she wobbled from the sensations of far too much emotion. Who even wore their caste robes, anyway? They didn't have any pockets and were impractical in any other setting besides Academy graduation. Every rotation was a celebration to her and I wanted to vomit.
Her colors were gaudy.
Her voice was like a screeching engine.
Her eyes took too red of a hue.
She was a Gods damned idiot.
And, if you'd permit me being petty, she smelled bad.
But I'd be damned myself if she didn't have at least ten emotional partners at any given time. People were drawn to that bubbly moron.
She was an emotional disease to me, however, meant to be eradicated. I could could fill a library with tomes on just how much displeasure this woman's very existence brought me. I'd go on book signing tours!
"Well aren't you just a sleepy, sleepy hatchling?!" she exclaimed, reaching forward before I even had the chance for a quick retort. She attached a small, adhesive badge to my shirt. It was made of thin paper, one side having words in strange characters written on it; a language I didn't recognize. I pulled on my tunic to gaze down at the strange symbols, utterly confused, and growing increasingly brighter orange as I heard those incessant giggles.
"Do you like your name tag, Scholar Sko'lan?" she asked. I lived on this ship with this woman for many, many revolutions. Even still, she used my formal name and title every time I had the displeasure of speaking with her.
"Just Lan is fine, Ya. We've known each other for how long now? There's no reason we need to be so formal." I said, trying my best to keep a kind tone of voice, despite my irritation being BLATANTLY obvious. Either she was too dim to notice my colors or she simply didn't care, her chipper attitude did not falter.
"But Scholar Sko'lan, this IS a reason to be formal!" she exclaimed. I could not stop my eyes from rolling back in distaste.
"And why is that, Diplomat Ska'ya?" I asked, a snotty tone following suit. She must have noticed my snarky comment this time, for her colors changed. In a shocking turn of events, her colors changed to a light orange that blended with her normal chipper yellow. Irritation? Was I getting under her scales? Did I ruffle her quills? The thought was exciting.
"If you would have been awake, Scholar Sko'lan, you would've known." she said, her normal, abrassive voice grinding away into disdain herself. "We managed to establish a connection with a group of humans on Earth. This is the first time we will be speaking to actual leaders of their people. And, if my very presence around you isn't enough to turn you into an orange star, you've been selected to take part in this meeting." she said.
My scales turned blue almost immediately. Meeting with the alien leaders? That was no job for a scholar, that was a job for diplomats! I was just to ensure my species could survive travelling to that chaotic rock. Why was I selected?
"That changed your hue pretty quick." she said, giggling, her orange tones falling back into their bubbly yellow. "We've been hard at work deciphering humanity's languages for the past few rotations while you worked. We decided to focus on one of their primary tongues first, what the humans call 'English'. It was the language of the space faring humans that made contact with us. Since they told their leaders about you, specifically, they requested you to be there."
"Why?" I asked, my scales still blue in shock. "I'm just a scholar, I have no business in the affairs of aliens. That's your job. That's your caste." I said, violet concern mixing with the blue of my awe. It was one of the times in my life I was okay with hearing what Ska'ya had to say.
"Humans are weird." she stated bluntly, the perpetual yellow of her scales shining bright. "From what we have learned about them, their political leaders can be one and the same as their scholars and warriors. They, at least from the ones we talked to, don't have castes." she stated, the quills on my head rising in confusion.
"No castes? That's absurd and upsets balance. There's always going to be people more socially inclined than others. Why would they let their scholars lead? Our purpose is to educate, learn, and create. We're not meant to lead and maintain social relationships." I stated, leaning against the frame of my door. This was possibly the most neutral conversation I've ever had with Ya. The diplomatic world was so strange, yet to her, it was bright and filled with pretty flowers.
Then again, life was bright and filled with pretty flowers for Ya.
Ya actually began to rub her arm, her scales changing into a color I had not seen on her; a dull violet. Sorrow? On Ya, of all people? I grew concerned, yet curious.
"We've had the opportunity to watch how humans operate. They have unofficial castes based on skillsets and material ownership. They're very cold creatures at times. You are born, you grow, and then you either succeed or fail." she said, her quills drooping to match her color. My scales shifted to an orange-blue. It was absurd to even think about, leaving people to rot if they couldn't succeed on their own.
"Look, Scholar Sko'lan. We must remember they are a different species." she said, her tone hushed. "They're a young species, still finding their way. We find ourselves in an odd, difficult position here. If the humans can see how we operate and succeed, working hand in hand with people from very different life styles, they might be willing to change. But on the other hand, if we try to guide them too much, we risk insulting them. Leave the discussions to us diplomats. We cannot risk our only galactic neighbors slamming their door in our face." she said, reaching to place a hand on my shoulder. I sighed, looking over to the diplomat, a flash of yellow hitting my scales.
I hated this woman, but she had a point.
"I sure do hope they change, Ya." I said, my scales changing to pure violet in sorrow for those unfortunate people on Earth left to rot after falling off the ladder of 'success'. "I would hate for our own hatchlings to become afraid for their own fates after seeing our neighbors letting their children fail."
Ya hummed in thought, looking down for a moment. "I do not think it is as bad as that. The diplomats still need to research more about their history. At the moment, we only have basic translations available for only one of their primary languages and a few broadcasts the humans have sent out into space. I have our AI assistants working on translating, but even they could use a break after awhile. All of those simulations we've put in recently are causing them to get grumpy." she said, her chipper yellow returning, especially after I donned my lab coat and dress pants to look more presentable.
"Very well. I trust you'll have at least this 'English' deciphered soon? Most of the ship will need to learn it fairly quickly if we are to make landfall. The antibodies should only need a few more days to 'cook'." I stated, Ya nodding in response. She waved her hand behind her shoulder, claws tapping on the metal floor as she took a few steps out of my quarters.
"Most certainly. The Diplomat AIs were itching to get back to work anyway. They aren't like the Scholars' AI. You and your AI friends are always so busy doing that science stuff. I'm shocked you scholars don't go mad from your workload!" she exclaimed, refueling my agitation. I steadied my colors. I couldn't let my swiftly growing irritation ruin this moment. If these humans slammed their door in our faces, could our species really deal with a rejection of that scale? This wasn't being declined an emotional partnership if humanity wanted nothing to do with us, oh no.
We would be alone. Again.
My scales became more and more black as that dread hit my mind. Even with Ya's chipper humming and bright colors, the only thing I could think about now was this species wanting to be left to their own devices and telling us to leave them alone. It made me think about just how cooperative the Val'lan were as a race. Everything from our social structures to our child rearing was based off of cooperation. One could not succeed without the other. To find a species that worked off of competition instead... Could we even co-exist? My thoughts bounced back to that warning by the first humans; how we would be attacked if we arrived. Why? Would they try to kill us and take our technology like barbarians?
I let out a quick breath as we approached the bridge of the ship. I couldn't let these fears get the best of me. They were different, sure, but thinking that our galactic neighbors would be little more than primitive barbarians was not doing them enough credit. We had just met and I already had doubts about them?
I guess I was just worried that we'd be alone again. I think we all were. The Val'lan, for all of their technological progress, really couldn't handle being alone anymore. We were brilliant scholars, kind diplomats, and guardians of the people... but it was so damned lonely out here by ourselves.
Ya opened the portal to the bridge of the ship. I had only been in here a few times before. The Paragons of Scholarship, Diplomacy, and Battle, the three leaders of the different castes on this particular vessel, were all there. The Paragon of Scholarship himself personally selected me to lead the biology team after my thesis on how to reverse the process of the necrotizing venom of the Calthian Sharpmouth Plant. I saved thousands of lives and it was one of my greatest achievements during my nymph years.
However, it wasn't the Paragon that held my interest, it was the humans on a large display in the center of the bridge. My heart picked up in speed as I looked at them. They looked far older than the humans I had seen before. Their flesh sagging, wrinkled, gray. Their lack of colors... It was bizarre. They looked so neutral, emotionless. I couldn't get a read on any of them, but from their physical traits alone, I could see that they were, in fact, males of their species. The human in the center's clothes were a dark green, his breast covered in various ribbons of different colors. What odd fashion. The fur on his head was gray with age, but his eyes possessed the wisdom of someone who deserved that gray. He folded his hands together, those wise eyes looking right at me as I looked up to the display.
"This is the one that took the sample of our astronaut?" the man asked, text displaying on the top of the screen so that I could understand what was said. The diplomats weren't kidding when they said they had been working on translations!
"Indeed." the Paragon of Diplomacy said, his scales green with anxiety. Humans knew not what our colors meant yet, a good advantage in initial contact. "I can assure you that it was just so our kind could gather immunities to meet face to face. We mean no harm, as I have said." he spoke. The human rose one of his hands, a sigh leaving his lips as he looked on towards our awe-struck species.
"If you were going to attack us, you would've done so already. You wouldn't have sat by the moon on your ship like a child looking for someone to play with. Like you told us, we're the first aliens you've met in the galaxy. You're making the antibodies so that you don't have to wear hazard suits if and when you make landfall. The question I have is: Why do you need to make landfall?" he asked. Not even the Paragon of Diplomacy had a decent response to that. Why did we need to make landfall? Why couldn't we just let them know we were here and that we came in peace? Why did we need to get onto their planet? Were we that desperate to meet another alien species that we couldn't leave them alone?
The answer was yes, and those clever primitives saw right through us.
"There's going to be a meeting regarding you... Val'lan in a few days time." the man said, his eyes squinting. "You're going to stay on your ship while we talk about what to do about this. Do you know what chaos you've caused here? Do you know how many deaths you've caused because everyone is terrified that you're going to attack us?"
"But we're not-"
"It doesn't matter what your intentions are. People are panicking all across the planet." he said, sighing as the human rubbed his eyes. How unsanitary! My scales started to fade into a soft black tone, knowing that our kind would be refused our chance to meet face to face with likely the only sapient species in this part of the galaxy.
What the human said next shocked us to the core.
"Don't you know it's rude to visit your neighbors without knocking first? You have my support for landfall here on Earth... Mostly because a lot of people would burn my house to the ground if I chased actual aliens from another planet away. It's the other leaders that'll take convincing. I have some work to do and I expect some help."
We all collectively let out a sigh of relief, doing our best to keep our composure. Our neighbors were going to open their door for us.
We wouldn't be alone anymore.
"What do you need?" The Paragon of Diplomacy asked. The human's lips curled into a smile, his upper eye fur lifting up in amusement.
"The good doctor making your antibodies. He comes here first."
Wait, what?
submitted by GraveyardOperations to HFY [link] [comments]

In honor of Fringe's 10th anniversary, here's a comprehensive breakdown of the show's continuity and foreshadowing.

Despite being aired as S2E11, "Unearthed" is officially considered a bonus episode outside the series timeline. The episode numbers in this post reflect that position.
In S1E4, Walter tells Peter that when he was a child, their car ran off the road and into a frozen lake, and a hairless man saved them.
In S1E20, David Robert Jones attempts to open a portal between universes. Walter knows he's going to Reiden Lake, a soft spot he personally created when he opened a similar doorway in 1985. Describing the incident, he says, "Something was lost to me, Peter. Something precious. I became convinced that if only I could cross over myself, then I could take from there what I had lost here."
In S2E4, Walter's old test subject returns to identify invading shapeshifters, as she can detect those from the other side by a distinctive glow. As she leaves, she sees Peter glimmer. Olivia notices a similar effect upon activating her Cortexiphan abilities in S2E14.
In S2E15, Walter reveals he didn't just open a portal in 1985. After his own son died of a genetic illness, he stepped through, and brought another Peter back. It was then that they fell through the ice and September saved their lives.
In S1E2, Walter asks Olivia to keep Peter's medical records a secret, but she finds nothing to hide.
Walter planned merely to cure this other Peter of the disease which killed his own son before returning him to his rightful parents, but soon realized he could never give him back. He feels the weight of that decision everyday, and when he returns to St. Claire's in S1E8, an imaginary doppelgänger torments him. When Walternate appears in S2E20, he displays the same unique mannerisms as the doppelgänger.
Walter's first words in S1E1 are, "I knew someone would come, eventually." Crossing between worlds caused catastrophic damage. He knew someone would come because he knew it would be traced back to him.
In S1E14, David Robert Jones says a person's molecules seperate and reassemble when teleporting, leading to the bodily deterioration which causes his eye to turn a cloudy white in S1E20. In S2E21, Brandon explains the same process occurs as a result of crossing between universes. Walter rushes to check Peter's eye in S1E1 to ascertain whether he had damaged his body in transit.
In S1E15, Peter recalls an action figure having a scar on the opposite side of its face. Before he crossed over, it likely did.
In S1E10, Walter brings Peter's toys out of storage. Peter asks, "What's with all the toys?"
Walter says, "Oh, these were in my storage. They're your toys, son, from when you were a little boy."
Peter says, "Those aren't mine."
Walter says, "Then I suppose they must be mine..."
He changes the subject, as he had the dead Peter confused with the one he kidnapped.
Similarly, in S2E1, Walter tells Peter he's making a custard for his birthday. Peter says he hates custard, and always has. Walter says he loved it as a boy; he's just forgotten.
In S2E10, Thomas Jerome Newton shows Walter a series of images, using associations to map his brain functions. Upon seeing a bowl of custard, he says it reminds him of Peter.
In S1E4, after Walter is apprehended for stealing the Observer Beacon, he asks Peter, "Have you never taken anything that didn't belong to you because you knew it was the right thing to do?"
Peter says, "This isn't about me."
Walter says, "Maybe it is, Peter."
Later, Walter yells at Peter, "Damn it, don't be like her—like your mother, questioning my judgment!" In S2E18, we learn keeping the secret from Peter led to Elizabeth, the woman he knew as his mother, committing suicide from guilt. Only in S3E15 is it shown that Elizabeth begged Walter to take Peter back, and attempted to condition him to forget his past.
In S2E5, Peter dreams he's lying in his childhood bed. Beside an image of the solar system is a poster saying, "Challenger Mission 11, June 28, 1984". The real Challenger shuttle disintegrated on its tenth mission, but this craft went on to complete another on the other side, which Peter remembers from his childhood.
In S3E15, months after Peter's kidnapping, a telescope is pointed at the sky from his window in the prime universe.
In the dream, Walter enters Peter's room and drags him from his bed, at which point he wakes up. The real Walter nearby says he was talking in his sleep. Peter says he had a bad dream, and Walter was there. Walter asks if he remembers "the rest", and Peter says he doesn't. Earlier in the episode, Peter says Walter taught him to repeat a mantra to avoid remembering these nightmares when he was younger.
In S1E16, Walter mentions Peter suffered from night terrors as a boy.
In S1E10, as Walter sorts through old documents to find a device he hid years prior which David Robert Jones had stolen to escape prison, Peter absentmindedly flips a coin along his fingers. Walter seems pleased, but Peter says it's just a "nervous tic". Walter conveniently recalls the teleportation device he was looking for, which he invented to help Peter when he was ill before, as Walter puts it, he "recovered".
In S1E20, Walter searches for a tool to close Jones' portal to the other side. September gives him a Walking Liberty Half Dollar coin to jog his memory, clean as new. Disturbed, Walter asks September where he found it. The Observer says, "This coin looks similar to the one you are thinking of, but it is from another place. There is more than one of everything."
Walter then finds a tarnished duplicate of the coin stashed in the family's beach house along with the device he was looking for. He gives the shiny coin to Peter, and says that when he was a child, he collected coins to take his mind off his illness. This coin, Walter claims, was his favorite. Peter says he doesn't remember, but picks it up and repeats the trick from S1E10. Walter places the tarnished coin on a grave marked "PETER BISHOP, 1978-1985".
In S2E15, it's shown Walter taught the trick to the young Peter in the prime universe with that same coin just hours before he died.
Meanwhile, the opposite Peter's original mother taught him the technique with an identical coin. He was conditioned to forget, as shown in S3E15, but the muscle memory remained. It becomes a "nervous tic" because, he subconsciously associates the coin trick with the effect they had on him when he was young.
In S2E8, Brandon explains the Observers' ability to travel through time, which explains the coins' appearances in S1E20. The one owned by the deceased Peter became tarnished from sitting in storage for decades, but the one owned by the living Peter from the other side was pulled forward in time by September so he could give it to Walter. Walter recognizes that the tarnished coin belonged to the dead Peter, so he lays that one on the grave, and returns the shiny one to the living Peter.
Anticipating his death, Peter gives his mother in the alternate universe his "lucky silver dollar" in S2E15. Walter arrives to kidnap him, but Elizabeth catches them. Pretending to be her husband, he says he found a cure for Peter's illness. Elizabeth gives Peter back his coin, "for luck". In S3E21, a concussed Peter buys another silver dollar because, "It's [his] favorite, and it always brings [him] luck."
In S4E5, Walter finds prime Peter's coin in storage and flips it along his fingers.
In S1E3, Peter asks Olivia how she started her career in law enforcement. She just says she knew it was what she wanted to do since she was nine. Peter jokes that he wanted to be a Brontosaurus. In S1E6, Olivia says, at age nine, she shot her abusive stepfather to protect her mother. In S2E15, a dinosaur poster in Peter's room in the alternate universe shows he actually was interested in the subject.
When Olivia meets Walter at St. Claire's in S1E1, he complains about the butterscotch pudding. In S1E8, he returns to visit a patient as part of an investigation into the abduction of a young musical prodigy. The patient is eating the butterscotch pudding. Walter then mentions Peter was musically talented as a boy. In S2E15, a guitar and some sheet music appear in the room of the Peter who died.
In S1E1, Walter's birth year is said to be 1946. In S1E4, his father's gravestone says he died in 1944, which doesn't add up. In S2E13, Walter says he altered dates to conceal his father's work against the Germans in World War II. He was nicknamed "The Seahorse". In S5E1, Walter sits in a taxicab with a seahorse trinket hanging from the mirror as he resolves to continue his fight against the Observers, whose regime loosely resembles the Nazis'.
In S2E19, Walter tells Ella a story with a sad ending, so Ella retells it with a happy one. In the apocalyptic future of S3E22, Ella says there are no happy endings anymore.
In S2E10, Walter asks Astrid to retrieve Violet Sedan Chair's debut album from the lab. In S2E17, Peter removes the record from its cover to test a turntable.
In S2E20, Walter picks up the album and listens to a song, this time showing a logo. This logo first appears back in S2E3, on the shirt of Sam Weiss, another apparent fan. There's an extra scene in the box set from S2E22 in which Peter and Walternate discuss the band. Peter says their music often played in his home growing up, and is surprised to learn that while they produced only one album in the prime universe, they went on to create many more on the other side.
In S3E10, Walter meets the former keyboardist of Violet Sedan Chair, a man named Roscoe. September reveals to Walter that saving Peter caused a chain reaction of events resulting in the death of Roscoe's son and the premature disbanding of the group. In S3E17, the album logo appears as a sticker on Walter's bong. In S4E7, one of the band's songs plays in the lab. A poster of theirs appears there periodically up to S5E13.
When Walter first appears in S1E1, the middle finger of his left hand trembles from anxiety. In S2E10, he displays the same nervous tic before he undergoes a CT scan to determine whether he had been the subject of brain surgery. In S3E14, it returns when he suspects a vortex may form because of him.
In S1E1, Olivia says Walter was incarcerated at St. Claire's in 1991 after his assistant was killed, and he was deemed mentally unfit to stand trial for manslaughter. In S1E12, it's said the assistant, a religious woman named Carla Warren, died in a lab fire. S2E15 reveals she studied the alternate universe with Walter in 1985, and warned him not to cross over, saying, "Some things are not ours to tamper with. Some things are God's." Only in S5E9 is it shown she intentionally started the fire which killed her in an attempt to destroy their research.
When asked if anyone else had access to his work in S1E1, Walter says, "The assistants had bits and pieces... God, I suppose."
As Olivia touches on, Walter is forgetful, emotionally unstable and has a poor sense of space and direction. The hippocampus is responsible for memory, emotion and spatial awareness. We learn in S2E10 that William Bell removed part of Walter's hippocampus. In S2E22, Bell reveals he cut out pieces of Walter's brain because Walter asked him to, because he was afraid of what he was becoming. When Walter is shown with his brain intact in S2E15 and S3E15, and after it is restored in S4E19, these quirks mostly disappear. He becomes colder, like Walternate. When Walter faces his demons in an acid trip in S5E9, the imaginary doppelgänger from S1E8 momentarily returns.
In S2E14, Walter unlocks the door to his old lab, saying he always uses the same combination: 5-20-10. He can't remember its significance. In S3E12, Nina enters the same code to open Bell's hidden safe, attached to which is a note which reads "STAY OUT — THIS MEANS YOU!" In S4E19, the numbers reappear as the access code to Walter's removed brain tissue which Bell removed. In S5E7, Walter unlocks another of Bell's safes with those same numbers, saying Bell always used that code. That explains the significance of the combination which Walter couldn't remember: he and Bell shared it. It explains why it was used to secure the brain tissue Bell removed: Bell stored it. It also explains at whom the message in Bell's safe was directed: Walter
In S1E1, Olivia mentions rumors of Walter taking part in human experimentation. Later, Nina tells Olivia, "You should know what you're getting into, Agent Dunham. I would say this to my own daughter: be careful, and good luck."
In S1E6, Nina implies she's known Walter since before the first Peter died. "You know, you still look just the same as you did when you were a child. Oh, I doubt you’ll remember, but you and I spent a good deal of time together, some of it right here. Your father and I were quite close when we were both much younger. Now I have all kinds of information, Peter, and some of it does me no good."
In S1E14, Olivia is revealed to have been dosed with Cortexiphan as a child. In S1E17, it's revealed Walter conducted those Cortexiphan trials on numerous children. S2E15 shows Nina was intimately involved in Walter and Bell's early research of the other side, which means she would have known about the Cortexiphan kids as well. Nina's maternal affection for Olivia likely stems from a feeling of responsibility for allowing Walter and Bell to experiment on her.
In S2E15, September accidentally prevents Walternate from creating Peter's cure, which causes Walter to do so in his place. Nina attempts to stop Walter from crossing between universes to save the boy, and destroys the vial containing his cure in the process. As a result, Walter must take Peter back to the prime universe to treat him instead. They fall through the ice of Reiden Lake on the way, and September saves their lives. In S3E22, September attempts to correct the timeline and allows Peter to die there instead, as explained in S4E11.
As in this timeline Peter wasn't around to motivate Walter's research into Olivia's interdimensional abilities or prompt his help with her abusive stepfather, she kills her parent, as explained in S4E2, and runs away from the trials, as explained in S4E4. Because this Olivia never inadvertently hopped universes and revealed herself to Walternate in the stressful process of reporting her abuse to Walter, as shown in S3E15, Walternate never experiments on her as happens in S3E1.
Nina's guilt over Peter's death causes her to monitor the troubled girl and adopt her after her remaining parent dies.
Before Walter retrieves Peter from the other side, he tells Carla, "There's only room for one God in this lab, and it's not yours." In S4E22, Bell reveals that Walter, in his grief, devised to a plan to play God and create a perfect universe in the ashes of the connected two. That's the sort of man Walter was afraid of becoming.
But as we learn in S4E21, when Bell cut the plan from his broken friend's mind, it took root in his own. He fashioned a ship with which to wait out the chaos and preserve life for the new world, just as the biblical Noah created his ark full of animals to wait out the global flood. Back in S2E4, Nina says Bell called the collapsing of universes "the last great storm."
As in the alternate timeline Peter didn't exist to kill David Robert Jones before he crossed into the alternate universe to meet Bell, as happened in S1E20, they joined together on Neogenesis.
To this end, they dose Olivia with Cortexiphan to power their technology, as revealed in S4E7, which also causes her to remember her experiences in the opposite timeline, as revealed in S4E13. This effect first appears in the original timeline where she completed the trials, S2E17, when she recalls Alistair Peck's previous time loops as "déjà vu".
In the original timeline, S3E19, Peter, Walter, and Bell enter Olivia's unconscious mind and find a man bearing a black cross symbol. After Olivia wakes up, she says he's the man who will kill her. Later, in the alternate timeline, S4E21, Walter finds Nanites marked with the same symbol, and recalls that it was Bell's design. In S4E22, Walter is forced to shoot Olivia in the head to prevent Bell's plan. The man in her mind represented Bell, which is why he specifically couldn't recognize Peter, as Peter died as a child in the alternate timeline.
In S4E10, Walter says he and Bell theorized that traumatic events can "ripple backward" in time, and some people are more attuned to it than others, which explains how Olivia foresaw her fate.
After shooting her, Walter removes the bullet and explains that Cortexiphan gives her brain tissue regenerative properties. She wakes up. Olivia also sustains massive brain damage in S2E1, mysteriously recovering in the same episode.
In S4E14, September confirms David Robert Jones is following the same plan in both timelines, which we learn in S4E21 to have been orchestrated by Bell from the start, of which Walter accuses him in S2E22 before backing down. It was in the aim of pitting both universes against each other to create a new one in their wake that Bell helped Walternate create the shapeshifters to infiltrate the prime universe (S2E22), constructed the Vacuum (S2E21), ostensibly as a weapon for Walternate, with which he later attempts to collapse both universes (S4E18), wrote the ZFT manifesto (S1E19) in which he perpetuated the lie that only one universe could survive, encouraging the prime universe to prepare to war (S1E14), and funneled money to the terrorist organization led by Jones which sprung up around it (S1E18), facilitating the activation of Cortexiphan subjects Olivia (S1E14) and Nick Lane (S1E17).
In S1E17, Lane rants that he "blended in" and "wore the blacks and grays" while waiting to be summoned for his purpose in the supposedly inevitable war between universes. Lane appears among the Cortexiphan subjects working for Bell in S4E20, whom he falls back on after failing to coerce alternate Broyles to activate the Vacuum with the promise of treatment for the illness his son acquired in S3E7. Lane believes he's saving his world.
Lane and Olivia's wardrobes appear throughout S1E17, with both comprised of dark clothing, as with the Cortexiphan subject in S4E4. In S3E19, Walter explains that Olivia prefers dark and understated clothing because the drug instills a desire to blend in.
In S1E17, Peter says Lane's abilities work on the principle that, "Reality is both subjective and malleable. If you can dream a better world, you can make a better world."
"Or perhaps travel between them," Walter adds.
In S2E21, Olivia focuses her abilities to travel between universes.
When Olivia first tells John Scott she loves him in S1E1, the light above them flickers. In S4E14, Olivia's telekinetic Cortexiphan abilities are shown to cause lights to act up around her during moments of great emotional stress.
In S3E16, Bell transfers his mind to Olivia's body through "soul magnets" which, as revealed in S3E17, he put in her tea when he brought her to the alternate universe after Jones died in S1E20, as shown in S2E4. He offers her a cup, which she refuses. She becomes disoriented and finds herself with a memory of taking a drink in the interim.
In S1E20, Bell has an oxygen mask in his office. In S4E22, he explains he's dying of cancer, which advanced his shift in perspective.
In S2E22, he sacrifices himself to send the Fringe team back to the prime universe, secretly intending to return in Olivia's healthy body and complete his plan to form a new universe. Before that comes to pass, he dies again in S3E19.
In S3E11, Nina learns that that, years prior, Bell sought out books written from the ancient First People's prophetic manuscript about the Vacuum, introduced in S3E6, which describe the machine as a tool of both destruction and creation. Peter also uses the machine to create an interdimensional bridge to heal both universes in S3E22.
The words "first people" appear in the credits of S2E21.
In S2E2, Nina sends Olivia to Sam Weiss to deal with her trauma from being pulled between universes, saying Weiss helped her after she lost her arm, which we learn in S2E15 happened as she tried to stop Walter from first crossing between universes in 1985, which is why she has the prosthetic first shown in S1E1. Weiss appears too young to have helped Nina then, but in S2E16 mentions he's older than he looks.
Nina reveals in S3E20 that long ago, Bell became close to Weiss for his expertise on the machine and alternate universe, and advised her to do the same. In S3E12, Nina discovers all the First People books' translators' names are anagrams of Sam Weiss. In S3E21, Weiss explains he's the last in a long line of men named Sam Weiss who studied the First People, the first of which unearthed the original manuscript, which is where his knowledge came from.
In S3E22, it's revealed the machine parts, manuscript of the First People, and image of Peter first shown in S2E21 foretelling his interaction with the Vacuum in S3E21 were in fact sent back to prehistoric times by the Fringe team after Bell's death, the activation of the device, and the single remaining universe nearing collapse.
In S4E16, it's revealed the porcupine man from S1E13, chimera from S1E16, and worms from S2E9 were created for the new world. The porcupine man appears in Walter's storage in S5E4, along with the neurostimulator from S1E3, crystalized remains from S2E3, the worms from S2E9, the universe window from S2E15, the doll from S3E12, the shapeshifter device from S4E1, and the ambering device from S3E14.
In S2E10, the shapeshifter Thomas Jerome Newton wears a Massive Dynamic wristwatch, foreshadowing his connection to William Bell, the company's founder.
In S1E20, we learn Jones was fired from Massive Dynamic, and determined to prove himself special to Bell. When Olivia first questions Jones about ZFT in S1E7, he says, "What if someone wanted information from the both of us, you see? Perhaps they’ve orchestrated all of this."
In S4E22, Bell sacrifices Jones, likening the decision to a necessary move in a game of chess.
In S1E17, Charlie gives Olivia Nick Lane's file. On top is a newspaper clipping which reads, "DOPPELGANGERS AMONG US". In S2E1, shapeshifters are introduced, and one of them murders Charlie to take his place.
In S1E1, Charlie tells Olivia, "Job isn't what it was ten years ago. We're supposed to protect a world where one breath of the wrong air can incinerate you from the inside out. How do we protect people when corporations have higher security clearances than we do? When we're not fully briefed on half the things that we're investigating? Y'know, when the truth—the truth is, we're obsolete."
In S2E22, alternate Charlie tells Fauxlivia, "This job isn't what it was ten years ago. We've got alternate universes... It just wasn’t part of my training, y'know? I mean, how are we supposed to fight these people? Truth is, Livvy, this makes me feel obsolete, y'know."
A taxi driver named Henry Higgins encounters and assists both Olivia (S3E1 and S3E7) and Fauxlivia (S3E18). It is revealed Fauxlivia named her son Henry and Olivia named her daughter Henrietta in S3E20 and S4E19, respectively.
In S3E5, it's said that the last thing a person thinks before encased in amber rattles around in their head until they get out. Between seasons 4 and 5, Olivia is trapped in the substance for 21 years. When she gets out in S5E1, she says there was not one moment she didn't think of Etta.
In S1E2, Walter discovers car seat warmers. "I've never seen a feature like this before. It warms your ass. It's wonderful!" He then retrieves his old station wagon from a storage locker. Peter gets it running. In S1E12, while investigating a death at a car dealership, he says, "I wonder if they sell cars here with those seats that warm your ass."
In S5E3, the team finds the station wagon, deteriorated after two decades in the open. Peter once again gets it running.
In S5E11, Walter recalls his very first words to Peter in S1E1: "I thought you'd be fatter."
In S3E15, after Walter brings young Peter to the prime universe, he puts comic books from the alternate universe in his room. In S2E22, when Peter returns to the other side, Walternate gives him an apartment containing these same comic books.
Notable among these comics is that The Dark Knight Returns, the story which revitalized the Batman franchise in 1986, instead released as The Man of Steel Returns on the other side. 1992's The Death of Superman was then written as The Death of Batman over there. In S4E17, Lincoln mentions Batman, but Fauxlivia doesn't recognize the name, indicating the character fell into obscurity after his death.
In S2E22, when Nick Lane travels to the alternate universe, alternate Lee seems to recognize him. In S4E20, alternate Lane ignorantly approaches prime Lee to offer crucial information about his own counterpart, explaining alternate Lee dated his sister years prior.
In S2E21, an advertisement appears at a bus stop for season 11 of The West Wing. In S3E18, another advertisement appears on a taxi for season 12 of the show.
In S1E2, the team catches a murderer extracting hormones from the human pituitary glands to treat his own rapid-aging disease. In S3E7, Olivia saves alternate Broyles' son using her fragmented memory of the first incident.
In S1E3, a bus is filled with an amber-like substance in a ZFT-related terrorist attack, killing its occupants. This amber returns in S2E22, where it's used to seal singularities in the alternate universe. In S4E6, Walter uses the alternate universe's singularity testing technology from S2E21, saying the Fringe agents there did a poor job writing the manual.
In S5E13, all the hazardous materials and weapons the team uses to kill Observers were involved in previous Fringe cases they solved. The chemical compound which causes transparent skin is from S1E1. The head-exploding radioactive isotopes are from S1E6. The butterflies are from S1E9. The parasitic slug is from S1E11. The skin growth toxin is from S1E14. The worms are from S2E9. The skeleton disintegrating toxin is from S3E12. The anti-gravity bullets are from S3E16.
In S1E4, September has only a vestigial sense of taste. In S5E11, he reveals that where he's from, non-essential brain functions were sacrificed in favor of greater intelligence. The sense of taste would be one of those functions. The pursuit of intelligence at the cost of all else led to the Observers ruining their world and observing the prime universe to prepare for colonization, first shown in S4E19.
In S2E3, Raymond Gordon says "they" are observing humanity to prepare for invasion.
September appears in the background of each episode prior to his introduction in S1E4.
The phrase "OBSERVERS ARE HERE" appears momentarily in the credits of S1E1. The second Observer, August, first appears in S2E8 saving a woman named Christine. The other Observers hire an assassin to correct his actions by killing her. In S4E14, it's revealed that they are merely part of the science team, and not suited to violence.
August forces the woman into a car and then starts the engine by pressing his finger to the ignition. In S3E10, September uses the same ability to unlock a car door. Another Observer unlocks another car door in S5E13.
August contacts Walter for a solution to his problem, "because," he says, "you have solved such a matter before. You saw beyond the limitations of your problems."
"Not really," Walter responds. "I just missed my son." He tells August that whatever he does, he "must be prepared to face the consequences."
August sacrifices his life to save Christine. As he dies, September asks him why. He says that he thinks he loves her. In S5E13, December says that Observers develop emotions from living alongside primitive humanity.
In S1E4, a man named John Mosley searches for Observer Beacons using Observer technology and weaponry. His hat also bears the four colored dots associated with the group. However, his eyebrows and tan skin appear to conflict with the idea that he is an Observer himself, as Observers are pale and hairless.
In S4E15, it's revealed the Observers place Beacons to locate specific universes. In S5E11, a hairy September reveals rogue Observers who interfere with the invasion are reverted to regular humans. The glyph of S1E4 is "ROGUE". Presumably, John Mosley was a rogue Observer attempting to prevent the invasion by destroying their method of entry.
In S5E11, Windmark confirms there were twelve members in the original Observer science team. In the S3E22, the team gathers on Liberty Island, but only ten are present. August died in S2E8, but who else is missing? Probably John Mosley.
In S2E15, before September pulls Peter from the icy water, August tells him, "You will have an opportunity to fix this."
In S3E10, Peter asks September his fate. September just says, "It must be very difficult, being a father." In S3E13, we learn Peter got Fauxlivia pregnant. Fauxlivia gives birth to a son, Henry, in S3E18. In S3E22, September rewrites time so Peter died as a child at Reiden Lake, which erases Henry as well. In S4E1, September aborts erasing him. Peter resurfaces in Reiden Lake in S4E4. Only in S4E14 does September reveal to Peter that Henry ever existed, that his birth corrupted the Observers' intended timeline, and that he erased them to correct it before defecting. In S4E19, we learn Peter had a daughter with Olivia before the invasion, and in S5E1 that they lost her in the chaos. In S5E4, she dies in front of him. Being a father certainly was difficult for Peter.
In S5E11, we learn that September also has a son. The child Observer was grown artificially in a maturation tank, but was scheduled for termination when he began to experience anomalous emotional growth. September developed affection for him and secretly hid him underground in the past, which is where he's first discovered in S1E15. This explains their knowing look at the end of that episode. The boy was then adopted and named Michael, after which he and September lost contact for many years. It was during that period September pondered aloud to Peter that being a father must be difficult, as he was prevented from experiencing it himself: a fate he knew they would soon share.
When Walter examines Michael in S1E15, he deduces the air above ground is too oxygen-rich for the boy. He speculates Michael's time in a low-oxygen environment caused him to adjust to those conditions, but in fact September hid him there because it was a place he could survive. In S5E1, it is revealed Observer biology is innately suited to their polluted world's low-oxygen atmosphere. Only in S5E6 is Michael revealed to be an Observer himself.
When Olivia meets the Observer child in S1E15, he arranges M&M's in meaningful patterns to aid her investigation with his empathic abilities. In S5E6, Walter offers him M&M's in a video tape.
Upon saving Peter in S2E15, September says, "The boy is important. He has to live." Walter assumes he's referring to Peter, but in S5E11 September says he was talking about Michael all along, explaining in S5E13 that his fatherly instinct was stirred by Walter's devotion to his son.
The glyph of S1E15 is "WALTER", even though Walter has no clear connection with the case at the time, because he actually inspired September to hide Michael underground in the first place so he could be found.
In S2E8, Walter tells August, "Please don't take my son. Your friend and I had a deal. We had an arrangement. I know what I did was wrong, but—" August cuts him off.
In S1E4, September compels Walter to hide the Observer Beacon from John Mosley. Walter then tells Peter the story of September saving them below the surface of Reiden Lake, as occurred in S2E15, which we learn in S5E11 was the moment September determined to defect from the Observer cause for the sake of his son. "Without speaking," Walter says, "he made it clear that he would need me one day. A return favor, so to speak." He believes hiding the Beacon in S1E4 is that favor, but September's phone call to his superiors shows was still merely following orders.
In S5E1, it's revealed that September contacted Walter with a plan to thwart the Observer invasion. In S5E10, Michael gives Walter his memories of the original timeline, and as revealed in S5E11, shows him that for the plan to work, he has to sacrifice himself to take the boy to safety in the future, to show the scientists who created the Observers that emotions need not be sacrificed for intelligence, to prevent the Observers from ever invading. In S5E13, Walter finally completes the arrangement they made so many years before.
Next I'll talk about thematic foreshadowing. S2E19's unusual format allows the writers to create some interesting parallels to future episodes.
Walter tells Ella a story in which he and Peter appear as enemies, each requiring a unique mechanical heart to survive. Peter chooses to save himself and allow Walter to die. Ella then revises the story so Peter sacrifices half his heart to Walter so they can live together in peace.
In S3E22, believing only one universe can survive the war, Peter activates the Vacuum to destroy the other side. In the apocalyptic aftermath, Walter and Ella talk about their time at the lab before things went wrong. Standing in the spot where he told that story all those years before, Walter silently realizes that by using the Vacuum, Peter, too, can alter the course of events so as to allow both universes to live together in peace. Walter convinces him to do so, not knowing that just as in the story, Peter will have to make a sacrifice: himself.
Fictionalized Bell says by taking the mechanical heart, ending Peter's life, a stable door between universes could be created. In S3E22, Peter uses the Vacuum to open a stable door between universes, (temporarily) ending his life.
The fictionalized version of Olivia nearly dies after being sent out to sea in a box before being saved by Peter. In S3E22, the real Olivia dies and is sent out to sea in a casket before being retroactively saved by Peter when he bridges the universes in the past.
Bell is represented by a cartoon character on a screen. In S3E19, Bell appears for an animated sequence in Olivia's mind.
In the story, Bell and Nina are lovers. In S3E12, it is revealed they were in real life too.
In the story, Astrid tells Olivia, "I can't believe you got sucked back into business over true love. You know, that's your problem, isn't it? You're always looking for something that doesn't even exist." Peter is erased from existence in S3E22, one episode after Olivia first says she loves him.
The fictionalized version of the Observers, the "Watchers", are openly hostile to the protagonists. As is shown in S4E19, the real Observers' aim is the colonization of Earth, and the subjugation of humanity.
The Observer Beacons, first introduced in S1E4, are used by the "Watchers" to locate and teleport to Peter's fictional house. In S4E15, September uses a Beacon to locate and teleport to Peter's real house after he is locked out of the universe by the other Observers.
Massive Dynamic works with the "Watchers". After the invasion, Massive Dynamic is converted to the Observers' side.
The scalpel with which the Observer prepares to cut Michael in S5E12 is fictional Massive Dynamic's design, which in the story is used by a "Watcher".
Throughout the story, the song, "The Candy Man" is sung. In S3E7, the alternate universe Fringe team tracks a kidnapper called "the Candy Man".
Fictional Olivia sings "For Once in My Life", after she and Peter save each other's lives. In S3E14, Peter plays the same song on a jukebox when the two of them get a chance to sit down and work things out after Fauxlivia ruins their relationship.
Moving on from S2E19...
Before Olivia meets David Robert Jones in S1E7, Broyles asks her if she has super powers she's not telling him about. Olivia humorously responds, "Maybe." In S1E14, it's revealed Olivia does have powers from the Cortexiphan trials, and David Robert Jones aims to activate them.
In S4E20, Walternate quotes Marcus Aurelius to Walter. He says he survived a war, and spent the rest of his life working for the betterment of his people. He hopes they can do the same. In S5E12, Lincoln says Walternate is still lecturing at Harvard at ninety years old. In S5E13, Walter saves the world from the Observers by banishing himself to the future.
Before Peter fixes Walter's station wagon in S1E2, he says, "You may be able to reanimate dead guinea pigs or whatever, but I can bring anything mechanical back from the dead." In S3E22, Peter activates the Vacuum which had been inactive for 250,000,000 years. Inside Walter's car is a severed right hand in a jar of yellow-orange liquid. Upon seeing it, Peter asks Walter, "Friend of yours?" In S4E19, Walter cuts off the right hand of his oldest friend, William Bell, while he's trapped in yellow-orange amber, to unlock a handprint-protected lock in S5E7.
Also in S1E2, Olivia investigates the case of a woman whose pregnancy was forcibly accelerated, killing her. During the course of the investigation, Olivia has a nightmare in which the same fate befalls her, but it ends before she dies. In S3E18, having gotten pregnant by way of Peter, Fauxlivia learns her pregnancy will kill both her and her unborn son as the result of an inherited illness. Walternate saves her life by accelerating her pregnancy to keep her son alive, to activate the Vacuum and save the alternate universe.
In S3E6, Fauxlivia jokingly calls the Vacuum the "vacuum cleaner". A vacuum cleaner drowns out Fauxlivia's cries as she gives birth to Henry, foreshadowing that he will be erased entirely when Peter activates the Vacuum in S3E22.
Sam Weiss is introduced in S2E2. His name translates to "Sam knows" in German. In S3E21, Sam reveals new information to the Fringe team regarding the Vacuum.
That information leads to Peter activating the machine and dooming both universes before Walter allows him a chance to fix it in S3E22. In S2E22, a chalkboard in Walternate's lab reads, "A DEMON'S TWIST RUSTS," an anagram for "DON'T TRUST SAM WEISS."
On the wall of Walternate's office in S2E21 are three squares colored blue, red, and amber. Blue and red represent the prime and alternate universes respectively, notably in their credits sequences. Amber represents the alternate timeline, notably in the fourth season's credits. In S1E17, Nick Lane's first victim ties three balloons to her stroller, one of each color.
Because the alternate universe is associated with red, Peter is as well. His toothbrush is red, which he tells Walter in S1E6. In S1E20, Peter is framed through a red stained glass window as he drives Walter's station wagon.
In September's first scene, the song "Crazy" plays in the background, concluding with the words, "I'm crazy for loving you," foreshadowing his development of "irrational" emotions.
At the beginning of a chess match, there are two bishops on each side. Bishops from the same side are locked on two seperate sets of squares, unable to interact. Bishops originating from opposite sides can interact as they are locked on the same sets of squares. The two sets of pieces and squares are represented by different colors. This parallels the relationships between the two sets of Bishop men and their worlds.
The story chronologically begins and ends with Walter walking another man's son through a portal to another world because of his genetic defect, but for the opposite reasons. In the first, he sacrifices a world because he's unable to abandon Peter. In the second, he abandons Peter to save a world.
Thanks for reading.
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SCP Foundation Glossary

SCP Foundation Glossary

A glossary of unusual or unfamiliar terms used by the SCP Foundation.
This is an ongoing post covering some of the more unusual or unfamiliar terms used in the SCP Foundation.
It is important to understand that "there is no single canon" and so, for any given definition, different objects and tales will use them differently. However, some are either consistent enough or well-enough explained to have a fairly reliable definition. This is not an attempt to proscribe how any of these words can be used, only an attempt to clarify and explain commonly-used terms.
Special Thanks:
Aelanna, who wrote Dr. Mackenzie's Glossary which was frequently referenced..
Cooldude971, who wrote the Master list of non-standard object classes and recovered an image containing the original text of SCP-173 as posted to the /x/ board of 4chan. This text has been verified (as far as possible) to be identical to the original post of SCP-173, the beginning of the SCP Foundation.
Everyone who has made suggestions and provided additional information to help me build this!
The original authors of the SCP articles, tales, and everything else that makes this mad, dark, beautiful world we love.
The Administrator
Dr. Mackenzie's 001
A (possibly anomalous) entity either originally human or resembling a human. Appears to be an elderly Caucasian man. In canons that feature him, he is described as establishing the Foundation but disappearing shortly afterwards, leaving the O5 Council in charge.
Akiva Radiation
Spikebrennan’s 001
A form of non-electromagnetic radiation that is directly correlated with the amount of religious faith a person holds. Capable of being measured (normally in terms of centiakivas.) The focus of the faith does not appear to be important. Affects “demonic” anomalies negatively and is positively correlated with the presence or attention of certain powerful anomalous entities.
Also Hanged King, Ambassador of Alagadda, Wandsman of Kul-Manas
A city accessible through a variety of portals across the multiverse, including one in the Tower of London. The city is not in our universe and operates on very different laws of physics. Multiple inhabitants from different universes populate the city, all wearing masks akin to those found in masquerade balls.
The city translates all languages automatically, allowing for communication between any beings. It negatively affects human minds – causing them to operate in a dreamlike state, rendering self-control and recall difficult while within the city. Most entities inside are hostile to human life, with the exception of the Wandsman of Kul-Manas, a avian being which has been shown to be friendly to humankind and has shared information on multiple occasions.
Notable entities include:
  • The four Lords of Alagadda, members of the ruling class second only to the King.
  • The Ambassador of Alagadda, an entity mentioned as visiting Adytum, which is a location that appears in Sarkic mythos. The Ambassador has significant psychic or memetic abilities, able to compel members of an MTF to attack each other and prevent them from speaking.
  • The Hanged King, an eldritch abomination described as being equal to Yaldabaoth (the monstrous devourecreator deity of Sarkicism.) It is described as a dead or empty god. The Hanged King also appears in SCP-701
Alexylva University
Alexylva Student Paper
An educational organization with strong Classical Greek and Latin influences. Demonstrates understanding of biology and technological sciences significantly beyond baseline, especially in the areas of neurology and computer processor design. Has knowledge of and access to historical anomalies, and makes use of impossible geometry. No official records exist of the University.
Students use ancient tools and clothing (a "lighted insect in sealed vessel" in place of a flashlight, using a "stone chisel and tablet" to write with) alongside whatever techniques are used to produce the advanced microchips.
A common theme found in the University's experiments and literature is enslavement of "lesser classes" of humanity.
also (incorrectly) amnesiac
Amnestic Use Guide
Drug that induces memory loss. Comes in a variety of strengths and forms. There is little consensus as to what type does what, however, type A is the most frequently used amnestic and only seems to affect memory of the last few hours/days.
While amnesiac means an individual suffering from amnesia, occasionally articles will incorrectly use it in place of amnestic.
A set of events/objects/concepts that, when appearing together, destroy a fictional universe and remove its existence from memory.
A Study of Anomalous Art
An artist who intentionally uses anomalous methods or creates anomalous pieces. Frequently associated with the group Are We Cool Yet? although other anartistic organizations and independent anartists exist.
Anderson Robotics
Anderson Robotics Hub
A manufacturer specializing in the sale of anomalous robots, androids, artificial intelligences, computer programs, and cybernetics. It was established in 1994 in Portland, OR, USA. Currently has a distribution agreement with MC&D. It has active offices and a small group of active employees (200,) but these offices constantly relocate through anomalous means across the planet.
Has active supply contracts with MC&D and the Global Occult Coalition. Has favorable relationships with the Maxwellism branch of the Church of the Broken God. Currently only hostile to the Foundation due to the latter's pursuit of normalcy, but has notably never taken overt action except to recover products or employees.
also antimeme
Antimemetics Division Hub
An idea with self-censoring properties. Non-anomalous antimemes exist and include information that one is unwilling to share (passwords, sensitive information) or information that would be difficult to share (dreams, very long random numbers.) Anomalous antimemes are often practically impossible to share or retain.
"Are We Cool Yet?"
Artistic movement that employs and exploits anomalous objects, beings, or phenomena. Operates with no central structure, relying on independent cells. Has officially existed as a movement since at least 1874. Frequently uses the tagline "Are We Cool Yet?" or some variation of it in their art.
Artifical Intelligence Applications Division
AIAD, .aic, Alexandra, Crom, Glacon
AIAD Homescreen
An experimental research division that technically exists as a branch division within the SCP Foundation IT Department. The division's purpose is to develop, study, and utilize the burgeoning field of Artificial Intelligence.
The Black Queen
Also Alison Chao
Black Queen Hub
Daughter of Dr. Gears of the Foundation. Has established communication with alternate versions of herself in alternate universes. Multiple versions of the Black Queen are found in the tales. Most, due to the difficult circumstances of their childhood, have developed a hatred of the Foundation. Some versions wander between universes instead.
Most have connections to the Serpent's Hand and make use of the Wanderers' Library.
List of Canons
Works of fiction that are accepted as genuine, true, or of the highest quality. Also refers to different worlds or storylines that are generally mutually exclusive. From Dr. Mackenzie's Glossary:
Information, objects, conventions, or events that are generally accepted by a large majority of site members.
In the Foundation, refers to a consistent set of accepted events and characters that make a world. It is not necessary to believe in one, just one, or any canon when writing or reading an article, but they do provide additional context to certain articles, and are a major part of certain tales.
The Chaos Insurgency
Chaos Insurgency Hub
Formed in 1924 as a black-ops group that would be known only to the O5. Presented as a splinter group but was actually used by the O5 Council to complete missions with ethically questionable methods and politically unsavory results while keeping the Foundation's public reputation clean. This group frequently made use of anomalous objects. Became an actual splinter group in 1948, stealing objects and taking dozens of defecting researchers with them. This was followed by one of the most destructive raids against Foundation facilities in history.
Today the Insurgency operates as a set of disconnected cells which do not have communication between each other. The mysterious "Delta Command" controls these cells. Agents within the cells are told that normalcy/consensus reality is a lie created and maintained by the Foundation, and believe they are achieving a utopian future through the use of anomalous objects. The recovered documents and actual actions taken by the Insurgency contradict these stated goals and indicate a darker intention.
The Church of the Broken God
Also MEKHANE, Mekhanites, Robert Bumaro
Church of the Broken God Hub
An anomalous religious organization which worships mechanization and believes flesh and life to be inherently evil. Worships MEKHANE, the "Broken God," a deity that has been scattered, dispersed, or otherwise rendered inert. Most adherents seek to rebuild their deity by constructing and uniting anomalous machinery.
The religion suffered a schism at an unknown point in the past century and has two significant breakaway movements. The oldest denomination, "The Broken Church," is lead by "His Holiness Robert Bumaro, Builder of the Broken God," and continues efforts to reconstruct their deity.
The Cogwork Orthodox Church follows a philosophy known as "Standardization," whereby adherents submit to anomalous mechanical enhancement with the stated goal of remaking themselves in the image or plan of their deity. The organization views electronic and digital devices as inferior to analog and clockwork devices, and views the decentralized information distribution of modern computing and the Internet as the dissolution of divine knowledge.
The "Church of Maxwellism" represents a modernized, computation and network oriented means of worship. Consists of a decentralized set of cells that remain in constant communication and coordination. Maxwellists favour small-scale body modification through the use of advanced cybernetics and organ enhancement. Maxwellists interpret the Broken God as fragmented data present across linked technology and culture. Their aim is to rebuild their deity by first networking all human minds, and then recompiling those minds and data into a single entity.
Has origins at least as ancient as the Greek Classical period. Adherents claim the organization predates life on Earth. Entirely and fundamentally opposed to Sarkicism, which they regard as a manifestation of their greatest enemy and a prophesied foe. Usually hostile to the Foundation but has cooperated with Foundation forces in rare circumstances.
Class of ‘76
Refers to the graduating class of 1976 of various high schools. Deals with multiple anomalies that are mostly either sourced from or originated with Syncope, an anomalous company with employees that appear human. Syncope's anomalies are sound-related and have mind-affecting and spatiotemporal effects. The anomalies frequently induce nostalgia and rewrite subject's memories until they believe they were a part of the Class. These memories then turn negative, dealing with persecution, facial distortion and disfigurement, and death.
Cognitive Resistance Value, or CRV
Also Psychic Resistance Score
A way of measuring the mental fortitude and resistance an individual has against mind-affecting objects.
Poses a danger when sensed. This can be via any of the classical senses: sight, sound, hearing, taste, or touch. Is not restricted to mental effects.
Bringing together two or more anomalous objects in order to study their interaction.
An ancient culture originating in south-central Siberia. The culture was characterized by militarism, conquest, ancestor worship, urban centers ruling over large slave populations, gruesome human sacrifice, and working magic. The culture created a variety of objects that would qualify for SCP classification if discovered today.
Originated in SCP-140, a book that, when fed blood, rewrites history to accompany an ever longer-lived and more extensive Daevite culture.
Decommissioned SCPs
Formerly, SCP articles that were of particularly low quality (or demonstrated a flaw very clearly) were deleted from the main series, destroyed in-universe, and added to the Decommissioned list as a "Wall of Shame." This practice was discontinued, and now SCPs are revised or deleted if they receive a sufficiently low score.
Doctor Wondertainment
Also Little Misters, Isabel Wondertainment
Dr. Wondertainment Hub
Either an individual or organization that produces anomalous artifacts and entities which resemble children's toys. The nature of these objects and devices varies, although all were clearly intended to be utilized by children. Responsible for the creation of the Little Misters. Has targeted Foundation personnel in the past. Feelings towards the Foundation appear to be ambiguous.
Destroys, removes, or deletes matter.
Reality bending - changing the laws of physics at will.
Ethics Committee
Ethics Committee Orientation
A committee within the Foundation that advises on what is and is not acceptable. Believed (wrongly) by low-level Foundation employees to either not exist or be useless. The Committee is what keeps the Foundation "cold, not cruel." It is aware of every detail of every object in order to make the decisions on which containment procedures are acceptable and which are not.
Anomalies that are either insufficiently understood or inherently unpredictable, such that reliable containment is not always possible, but do not pose sufficient threat to qualify for Keter classification. In particular, any anomaly that exhibits autonomy, sentience and/or sapience is generally classified a Euclid-class entity at minimum, due to the inherent unpredictability of an object that can act or think on its own.
Explained Anomalies
Anomalies that either:
  • Are now fully understood by mainstream science
  • Have been debunked as false or mistaken classifications
  • Are so widespread and disseminated that they have become part of baseline normality
also Redacted
Often used identically to [REDACTED], meaning data that the article's reader does not have security clearance to access.
Sometimes means data is actually deleted or removed from the article (such as cognitohazards,) as opposed to [REDACTED] meaning data that still exists, but is hidden from the reader's security clearance (such as site locations.)
The Factory
An organization that mass-produces anomalous artifacts. The anomalies produced by the Factory often take the appearance of mundane mass-produced items but with highly destructive effects.
Also The Fifth Church
Fifthist Hub
A religion that worships an eldritch entity. Themes in the religion include the stars, personal and cultural transformation, and the number 5. The religion has memetic components and spreads anomalously rapidly.
Format Screw
A term for SCP articles that intentionally violate some aspect of the standard SCP format or framework, generally because the SCP itself affects the documentation.
The Foundation
The Foundation Database
An enormous organization with access to resources at least on the level of a small country. Committed to maintaining normalcy and baseline reality through the containment of anomalies. Creates documents detailing the Special Containment Procedures of those objects.
Gamers Against Weed
Gamers Against Weed Hub
Pacifist organization that originated as a splinter group of Are We Cool Yet?, formed in opposition to their philosophies. Produces anomalous items to mock, irritate, or as a joke. The organization is highly committed to and involved in internet culture, and most of their interactions take place online.
The Global Occult Coalition
Global Occult Coalition Casefiles
An international coalition of organizations under the direction of a United Nations secret council. Has access to resources rivaling those of the Foundation. Committed to maintaining normalcy and baseline reality through the destruction of anomalies. Maintains a tense relationship with the Foundation, filled with espionage on both sides, but has frequently worked alongside them.
Group of Interest
List of Notable Groups
Any organization outside the Foundation aware of the paranormal or metaphysical. Mostly opposed to or neutral to the Foundation, although alliances between the groups (both temporary and permanent) are not unheard of.
GRU Division “P”
Foundation entry on the Division
The USSR's answer to the Foundation and Global Occult Coalition. Established by Stalin in 1935. Lost a significant portion of their personnel and assets with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, but has remained active, if at a smaller size. Generally neutral to the Foundation.
The Horizon Initiative
Djoric and Dmatix's 001
Organization created in the late 1960s by various influential sects in the main three Abrahamic religions to deal with anomalous objects and organizations. Known to target anomalous objects, either with the intention of retrieving or destroying them. Led by a tribunal composed of leaders from the three largest sects involved in its creation. Suffers from significant infighting. Their main combat force, Project Malleus, is generally deployed in anti-cult operations and in anomalous object retrieval operations.
Hostile to the Church of the Broken God and Fifthism. No single attitude is presented towards the Foundation - individual members attitudes vary between reluctant cooperation and hostility.
Herman Muller's Circus of the Disquieting
An anomalous circus that is said to exist. The only evidence towards the existence of the circus is through anomalous objects that have been left behind after their performances. The circus itself has never been observed.
And This One Explains Humes
A way of measuring the strength of reality in the area. One Hume is baseline and normal. Lower Hume levels create an area where it is easier for even baseline humans to bend reality and create anomalies. Higher Hume levels create an area where it is difficult for even strong reality benders to affect reality.
Something that has anomalous effects which are triggered if one simply knows about it. The information itself is anomalous.
K-Class Scenario
Disaster. Comes in a variety of types, generally of the format LK-Class, where L is any letter. There is little to no consensus as to the meanings of each type. The only exception is "XK-Class scenario," which almost always means the end of the world by physical destruction, either of life, the surface, or the planet itself.
Objects that actively resist or subvert containment and present a significant threat to human life. Keter-class objects and entities are highly dangerous and have extremely complex containment procedures.
Also Kinetology, Kinetocism, Kinetoglyph
Mental and physical hazards that occur when an entity performs specific gestures and motions that interact with multiple spatial dimensions simultaneously,
Manna Charitable Foundation
Manna Charitable Foundation Hub
Established in 1971. An interfaith humanitarian relief agency that focuses on distributing anomalous objects and their by-products to civilians in poverty-stricken regions or in areas afflicted by warfare, famine, or natural disaster.
Operatives demonstrate pacifist behaviors, and the organization does not appear to intentionally cause suffering. However, containment breaches associated with the group have often resulted in human casualties or severe threats to the global status quo due to unforeseen consequences of the object's release from containment, and/or a zeal to distribute potentially "helpful" objects immediately without rigorous scientific study of their long-term behavior.
Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.
Also MC&D
Marshall, Carter, and Dark Hub
A private club based in London, England. Caters to the super-rich and possesses extensive political and financial ties worldwide. Collects rare and obscure items, including anomalous objects. Focuses on providing its members "the most exclusive, expensive, and rare experiences available." Prefers to apply financial and political pressure to achieve their goals, but will employ outside agents to perform physical violence as necessary.
Generally hostile to the Foundation. Has caused several containment breaches, primarily through the use of money or social pressure. However, the Foundation has entered into contracts with the organization on occasion.
also meme
A subset of cognitohazard. Contagious, self-replicating or self-sustaining ideas. Knowledge that triggers anomalous behavior or effects.
Linguistic, philosophical or literal symbols and concepts used to describe reality, as in a metaphor or in metaphysics.
We Need to Talk about Fifty-Five
Drug that restores/enhances memory or blocks antimemetic effects. Comes in a variety of strengths.
  • Class W - Suitable for continued use. Chemically enhances memory to prevent loss due to anomalous effects. Causes nausea and increases risk of pancreatic cancer.
  • Class X - Developed as a rejuvenation serum. Reverses aging temporarily, which allows for forgotten memories to be restored. In small doses it is relatively safe, but large doses lead to severe side effects when the reversed aging reasserts itself, up to and including death.
  • Class Y - No longer in use. No other information is available.
  • Class Z - Removes the subject's ability to forget. This has the advantage of immunizing them to antimemetic influence, and has the disadvantage of causing death.
Mobile Task Force
Also MTF
Mobile Task Forces
Elite rapid-response teams comparable to special forces units from modern militaries. Varies in size from groups of just two or three up to groups of hundreds of agents along with the support infrastructure required to sustain them. Often used for information gathering or to take initial containment steps when anomalous objects are discovered. Identified by a greek letter and a number, as well as a nickname. (E.g. MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats.")
Neutralized SCPs
Objects that have been rendered non-anomalous, often due to destruction.
"Nobody" Hub
Either an organization or individual that has been seen since 1954. There has only been one person seen at any given time, typically described as a male Caucasian dressed in a grey suit and a fedora. They only identify themselves as "Nobody." There is very little information beyond this - sometimes they assist the Foundation during containment breaches or anomalous activity, while sometimes they act to undermine the Foundation.
Non-Euclidean Geometry
Any geometry which does not follow the rules of Euclidean space.
Euclidean space is a two-dimensional infinite plane without curvature; therefore, non-Euclidean geometry is not necessarily anomalous. (The surface of the Earth is non-Euclidean.) In the Foundation, refers to areas where the laws of geometry have been distorted anomalously. For example, this allows for the creation of otherwise impossible shapes and transit across vast distances instantaneously.
Non-Standard Object Classes
Object classes beyond Safe, Euclid, Keter, and Thaumiel. Often used by the authors for narrative effect and not as an attempt to create a new object class. Because of this, the classes do not generally have definitions that follow the pattern or rules set by Safe, Euclid, Keter, or Thaumiel.
Examples include Apollyon and Maksur. There are currently 8 non-standard object classes used in 11 SCP articles. Tentative definitions were written by Cooldude971 in his Master list
The sphere of human thought, used in the same way as "biosphere" is the sphere of life. In some articles, it is confirmed that all human thought is connected at the most fundamental level, and that entities can travel between minds or draw energy from this sphere.
Also O5 Council, O5 Command, Overseer, Overwatch
O5 Command Dossier
A council of 13 individuals which forms the highest tier of command within the Foundation. Comparable to a corporation's Board of Directors. Often implied to use anomalous objects to artificially extend their lifespan. Referred to as O5-#, where the # is a number from 1 to 13. In some canons, O5-1 is the Administrator, while in other canons the Administrator is separate from the Council.
Object Class
A measure of how difficult an object is to contain, not its power or potential danger. The classic example is that a nuclear weapon would be considered Safe, as despite its immense destructive power, it's very easy to contain one.
Originally only three classes existed: Safe, Euclid, and Keter. Has grown to include Thaumiel. Many non-standard object classes exist, but most were created for narrative effect, not as a way of describing containment difficulty.
The Locked Box Test is frequently referenced as a simple way to judge the object class of an anomalous item. If you can place the item in a box, lock it, walk away, and nothing bad will happen, it’s safe. A frequently-shared definition of the test appears to have been created by Djoric:
Safe = put it inna box
Euclid = put it inna box an' go check on it every day
Keter = damn, son, that's a complexicated box you got there
Thaumiel = I AM THE BOX
Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts
Established and based in Iran after World War 2. Contains and documents anomalous objects with the principal intention of strengthening the Mideastern nations, tribes, and families against external threats. Is not committed to secrecy or normalcy except as it strengthens those areas. Is the principal authority over anomalous phenomena in the Middle East, and has substantial influence in Northern Africa, Central Asia, and India.
Has alliances with and recruits "Type 2 Special Personnel," which are otherwise known as djinni or what the West refers to as "genies." These djinni are information-based entities and not physical in nature.
Oneiroi Collective
Oneiroi Hub
A hive-mind entity located in metaphysical space. It is a collective unconscious utilizing the brainpower created by sleeping organisms. Capable of manifesting in physical space. The hive-mind does not appear to have intentions nor work towards any obvious goals. Capable of creating anomalous objects and contacting other Groups of Interest.
Linguistic, philosophical, or literal ideas and concepts used to describe the ideas and concepts of the meta as though those ideas and concepts existed in a separate space to reality. It is to meta what meta is to reality.
Prometheus Labs, Inc.
Prometheus Labs Hub
A multinational conglomerate which sold advanced and anomalous technologies to governments, militaries, and Groups of Interest. Displayed a nominal amount of cooperation with Foundation efforts to protect normalcy, and at times even collaborated with the Foundation, but refused to cease its study of anomalies and resisted Foundation oversight.
Dissolved in 1993. This dissolution resulted in the formation of numerous successor organizations, but a significant portion of the Labs' anomalous inventory was lost. Many former employees were hired by the Foundation, but others began working for other Groups of Interest.
The Records and Information Security Administration. A branch of the Foundation that controls and assures the security and safety of all records. This extends to controlling access, controlling what information is redacted, expunged, or blacked out, and enforcing any breaches of access or information.
Any object which can be contained through the equivalent of locking it in a box and leaving it alone. Safe-class objects are either sufficiently understood that they are now completely and reliably contained on a permanent basis or otherwise do not trigger their anomalous effects unless intentionally activated.
Does not mean that the object is not powerful or dangerous - a nuclear warhead would be classified as Safe.
Also Ion (individual,) Karcist, Sarkic, Yaldabaoth
Full overview by RockDHouse here.
Sarkicism Hub
An anomalous religious/philosophical system that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices. Adherents practice ritual cannibalism, human sacrifice, corporeal augmentation, thaumaturgy, dimensional manipulation, and the formation of pacts with otherworldly entities. Disease is viewed with reverence and cults treat contagions as a way to purify the masses through "culling the weak." Two primary divisions exist: Proto-Sarkicism and Neo-Sarkicism
Proto-Sarkicism can be found in insular communities throughout Eurasia's most isolated regions, its followers generally poor (if self-reliant), humble, and hostile towards outsiders. Such groups eschew modernity, display acute technophobia, and are bound by superstition and taboo.
Neo-Sarkicism is cosmopolitan, adherents publicly embracing modernity and showing no apparent qualms with technology; their public lives differing little from others of their culture and social status. Adherents are primarily affluent families, rich in history and scandal.
Known cults have origins before the Greek Classical period, and the system is potentially significantly more ancient. Cults are generally based on the teachings of "Grand Karcist Ion," a noted religious leader and anomalous human. Cults reverence but do not worship an entity called "Yaldabaoth" or "The Demiurge," a primal devouring entity that produced life across the universe as an accidental but natural byproduct.
Hostile to most Groups of Interest, including the Foundation. While hostile to The Church of the Broken God, the Church is not viewed as a prophesied nemesis or even their most threatening foe.
Scarlet King
An apocalyptic entity mentioned in SCP-231 and SCP-2317. The entity is being kept back by procedure 110-Montauk. The (very little) canon information available mostly comes from a poem hidden in the white text of SCP-231. In it analogies are drawn to SCP-231 and that not completing Montauk will allow the Scarlet King to manifest.
Stands for Special Containment Procedures. Originally appeared with the posting of SCP-173 to the /x/ forum of 4chan in 2007. The original post appears to no longer exist, but copies, screenshots, and reposts exist with the original text. Multiple backronyms have been developed, including Secure, Contain, Protect.
Appears in acronym form in most Foundation shell companies. (e.g. "Soap from Corpses Products.") Pronounced (informally) as "skip."
Scranton Reality Anchor
A device which acts as an artificial reality bender. It is set to constantly bend reality to match baseline reality, counteracting any efforts to bend reality away from the norm. Often used in the containment of SCP objects or the protection of Foundation assets.
The Serpent’s Hand
Serpent's Hand Hub
An organization lead by The Black Queen, based out of the Wanderers' Library. Small, highly organized, highly dangerous, it is responsible for multiple containment breaches. Focuses on the release of anomalous objects, particularly humanoid objects. Unfriendly to the Chaos Insurgency and ORIA. Hostile to the Foundation and strongly hostile to the GOC.
A location used by the Foundation. Can vary between a field office consisting of a single office and facilities, up to an enormous complex with multiple multi-story buildings, reinforced keter-class containment cells, nuclear warhead, and cafeteria.
No, that's not a misspelling
SPC Database
Shark Punching Center. Originated as a backronym to make fun of the frequent misspelling of SCP. Became its own quasi-canon/alternate universe, but is considerably more tongue-in-cheek than other canons.
A metal with the property of blocking or hindering anomalous extrasensory mental effects. Effectively, it blocks telepathy, mind control, and similar effects. Developed by Prometheus Labs, Inc.
In the early days of the Foundation, it was very frequently used and was extremely effective in-story. Out of story, it was seen as a cop-out and an uninteresting and overused tool. User Communism Will Win wrote a revision to the article which caused Telekill to absorb all "psychic energy" (for lack of a better term,) including normal human brain function, causing long-term exposure to lead to inhibition and then permanent destruction of brain function. It also would randomly release its built-up energy, leading to unpredictable psychic effects in its immediate area.
After the revision, a purge was initiated which removed/revised most crosslinks and mentions of Telekill. It only currently appears in the containment procedures of a few objects.
Temporal Sink
Stabilizes the flow of causality across a given area. This prevents space-time from being distorted in anomalous ways, preventing, among other things, time travel paradoxes.
Roget’s 001
Objects that are used to contain or counteract the effects of other highly dangerous anomalies. Originated in Roget’s 001 Proposal.
While not intended to be an object class submission, the author did create the class as one that had a standard definition and fit into the Safe/Euclid/Keter mechanics, with the intention that if it were to be used as an object class, it would fit.
As the creator of Thaumiel... while it was never meant to be used en masse per se I did a LOT of homework to make sure that if other people wished to use it, there would be a definition which fit into the existing mindset that SEK exist under. I would say that at this point it is an official object class just as much as SEK are. It's included on the official Object Class guide and has been used in numerous articles, across every series, and multiple 001 proposals, all using the same definition and such.
Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU), Federal Bureau of Investigation
A division of The United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation dedicated to investigating claims of and handling anomalous items and individuals. Generally seen as less capable and effective than the Foundation, however this varies widely between tales. Seen within the FBI as a joke, a place where unpopular or failed agents are stuck.
Has a strong alliance with the Foundation and frequently works alongside Foundation assets.
The Wanderers' Library
Wanderers' Library Main Site
An extradimensional library containing all possible books, not unlike the Library of Babel. Protected by anomalous entities that prevent most access. Contains "Ways," portals not only to our universe, but an infinite number of alternate universes. Currently used as a headquarters by the Serpent's Hand, although they do not control the Library.
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science lab hazard symbols and meanings video

toxic hazard symbols - YouTube Hazard Symbols and meaning in just 3 Minutes - YouTube Hazard Symbols Revision from blingmygrade.org.uk!!! Laboratory Safety Symbols  Science Lesson - YouTube Hazard symbol - YouTube Lab safety symbols - YouTube Warning Signs in the Laboratory - Studi Chemistry - YouTube Hazard Symbols - YouTube The COSHH symbols and their meanings - YouTube Lab Safety Symbols - YouTube

Study Hazard Symbols using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun! Top Hazard Symbols Flashcards Ranked by Quality. Science. Science Flashcard Maker: Lucy O'shea. 355 Cards – 20 Decks – 2 Learners Sample Decks: Unit 2 chapter 5, Unit 3 15, Unit 2 /1 Show Class Chapter 3 - What are things made of? Chapter 3 - What Perfect lesson resource for introducing lab safety and hazard symbols to year 7 students! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about how to behave safely in the Science classroom and identify hazard symbols. Science Laboratory: Symbols, Signs and their Meanings If you have ever visited a science laboratory, you must have come across several symbols and signs displayed on the walls or near science equipment. A science laboratory is a place which is exposed to harmful substances since a number of experiments are conducted there. Hence, as a science lab visitor, you should be aware of these symbols Explosive Material Hazard; Flammable Material; Toxic Material; Non-Ionising Radiation; Ionising Radiation; Low Temperature; UV Light Hazard; Oxidising Material; Laser Beam Hazard; Optical Radiation Hazard; General Warning. At a glance: This is one of the most common signs you’re likely to see in a lab. The symbol denotes a General Warning and acts as a broad reminder that the area you’re working in is likely to contain hazards and risks and you should work accordingly. You’re likely to General Warning – It is a warning indicating the presence of hazardous materials in the lab. 2. Biohazard. Biohazard – It provides warning on lab equipment that may contain biohazardous materials like blood samples. 3. Flammable Material Hazard. These symbols are frequently encountered in the lab – and also on some household products – and whilst some are self-explanatory, others can require a little more in the way of explanation, which is what this graphic aims to do. Initially, it should be noted that these hazard symbols are primarily used in the EU. The manner in which hazardous chemicals are labelled elsewhere has previously Science Safety Science Symbols Lab Safety Hazard Symbol Danger Signs Medical Laboratory Science Justiz Symbols And Meanings Malteser More information People also love these ideas Feb 9, 2017 - Explore Danielle Lee's board "Hazard symbols (Year 9 Science)" on Pinterest. See more ideas about hazard symbol, symbols, lab safety. The health hazard sign denotes chemicals in the lab that can cause serious, often long-term health problems. Hazards include carcinogens, respiratory sensitizers, reproductive toxins, aspiration toxins, target organ toxins, and mutagens. An important step in protecting worker health is recognizing the various health hazards in the lab, as ignorance of the harmful effects of laboratory materials can have serious and even fatal consequences. Hazard Symbols Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Hazard Symbols . Some of the worksheets displayed are Answers, Lab safety symbols work, Safety symbols, Hazardous materials work instructions 1 3 2, Topic 1 introduction to the lab lesson plan, Whmis and safety work, Lesson the hazards of common household chemicals grade 2, 3 road signs signals.

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toxic hazard symbols - YouTube

Introduce students to science laboratory safety with this video lesson on lab safety symbols. This video is great for upper elementary, middle school, and hi... Here is an example of the kind of revision material blingmygrade.org.uk produces. On the site you can download this video to your i-pod, psp, or mobile phone. The soundtrack is also available as ... The GHS and CLP regulations use various symbols to identify the hazards that are posed by different chemicals, these are:Explosive - which confirms the conta... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... -- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/join -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free too... StarterCan you match the following Four Hazard symbols with their Names and their EffectsChallenge: If you have time can you do the same for the remaining sy... ExplosiveUnstable explosive.ReplacesFlammableFlammable gas, liquid or solid. Catches fire easily.OxidisingProvides oxygen, can cause fire or explosion.Compre... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... What's to be safe with in lab?(Recorded with http://screencast-o-matic.com) #pharmadigest #Pharmatorials ☠☢☢ Hazard symbols and meaning in just 3 Minutes 📖 📖 👉 In this video, we will learn about various Symbols used for hazard and...

science lab hazard symbols and meanings

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